Electronic CAD libraries
Power symbols (24/04/2023) (original with some modifications)
Analogic ICs (24/04/2023)
78XX-DPAK (78xx 1A Linear Regulator, DPAK package) 78XX-SO (78xx 1A Linear Regulator, SO package) 78XX-SOT223 (78xx 1A Linear Regulator, SOT223 package) 79XX (79xx 1A Negative Linear Regulator, TO package) ACPL7800 (Isolation amplifier AD734 (4-Quadrant Multiplier/Divider) AD5320 (DAC 12bit MSOP-8) ADG719-EP (CMOS 1.8 V to 5.5 V, 2.5ohm 2:1 Mux/SPDT Switch in SOT-23) ADP3110A (Dual Bootstrapped 12V Mosfet driver) ADR36x (Low power, low noise voltage references with sink/source capability) ADXL345-EP (3-Axis, ±2 g/±4 g/±8 g/±16 g Digital Accelerometer) AOZ1280 (EZBuck 1.2A Simple Buck Regulator) AP5100 (1.2A Step-Down converter with 1.4MHz switching frequency) AP7312-DFN (Dual 150mA low quiescent current fast transient LDO linear regulator, DFN package) AP7312-SOT (Dual 150mA low quiescent current fast transient LDO linear regulator, SOT package) AP8802-SO (1A LED Step-down converter, SOP-8L package) AP8802-SO-EP (1A LED Step-down converter, SOP-8L-EP package) AP8802-DFN (1A LED Step-down converter, U-DFN3030-10 package) BCR402U (40V 20-65mA LED Driver) CAT4201 (350mA High Efficiency Step Down LED Driver) CS434x (10-pin, 24-Bit, 192 kHz Stereo D/A Converter) CS9236L (Single chip Wavetable music synthesizer, PLCC-28 package) CS9236Q (Single chip Wavetable music synthesizer, LQFP-44 package) FAN7382 (Half-Bridge Mosfet driver, HI-side and LO-side) FKC12-xxDyy (P-Duke FKC12 family 12W DC-DC converter) ICM7555 (General purpose CMOS timer) INA121 (FET-Input, low power instrumentation amplifier) IQS133 (Minimalist 3 Channel Capacitive Sensor with compensation for sensitivity reducing objects) IR2183 (Half-Bridge Mosfet driver, HI-side and LO-side) KA7500C (SMPS Controller) L298N (Dual full bridge Driver, Multiwatt15 package) L298P (Dual full bridge Driver, PowerSO-20 package) L6203 (DMOS full bridge Driver, Multiwatt11 package) L6506 (Current controller for stepping motor, DIL package) L6506D (Current controller for stepping motor, SOIC package) LFxx-DPAK (LFxx 500mA very low drop Linear Regulator, D-PAK package) LFxx-Pentawatt (LFxx 500mA very low drop Linear Regulator, Pentawatt package) LFxx-PPAK (LFxx 500mA very low drop Linear Regulator, PPAK package) LFxx-TO220 (LFxx 500mA very low drop Linear Regulator, TO220 package) LH0063 (Ultra Fast Buffer, TO3-8 package) LM50 (SOT-23 Single-Supply Centigrade Temperature Sensor) LM311 (Voltage comparator) LM317-PTH (LM317 series 1A Adjustable linear regulator, PTH version) LM317-SMD (LM317 series 1A Adjustable linear regulator, SMD version) LM324 (Low Power Quad Operational Amplifiers) LM339 (Quad Differential Comparators) LM358 (Low Power Dual Operational Amplifiers) LM1117-SOT (800mA Low Dropout Linear Regulator, SOT packages) LM1117-TO (800mA Low Dropout Linear Regulator, TO220 package) LM1117-WSON (800mA Low Dropout Linear Regulator, WSON package) LM1578A (LM1578A/LM2578A/LM3578A Switching Regulator) LM2578A (LM1578A/LM2578A/LM3578A Switching Regulator) LM2592 (SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150-kHz 2-A Step-Down Voltage Regulator) LM2731 (0.6/1.6 MHz Boost Converter With 22V Internal FET Switch in SOT23) LM2734 (Thin SOT 1A Load Step-Down DC-DC Regulator) LM3402 (0.5A Constant Current Buck Regulator for Driving High Power LEDs) LM3406 (1,5A Constant Current Buck Regulator for Driving High Power LEDs) LM3414 (1A 60W Common Anode Capable Constant Current Buck LED Driver Requires No External Current Sensing Resistor) LM3481 (High Efficiency Low-side N-Channel controller for Switching Regulators) LM3578A (LM1578A/LM2578A/LM3578A Switching Regulator) LM4752 (Stereo 11W Audio power amplifier) LM6171 (High Speed Low Power Low Distortion Voltage Feedback Amplifier) LMH6702-SO8 (1.7 GHz, Ultra Low Distortion, Wideband Op Amp, SO8 package) LMH6702-SOT (1.7 GHz, Ultra Low Distortion, Wideband Op Amp, SOT23-5 package) LM22674 (4.5V to 42V, 500mA Simple Switcher buck converter with precision enable) LMR14006 (Simple Switcher 40V 600mA Buck Regulator With High Efficiency Sleep Mode) LPS25H (MEMS pressure sensor) LSM9DS0 (iNEMO intertial module: 3D accelerometer, 3D gyroscope, 3D magnetometer) LSP7604 (Switching Mode LED Driver Controller) LT1070-K (5A High Efficiency Switching Regulator, TO3-4 package) LT1070-T (5A High Efficiency Switching Regulator, TO220-5 package) LT1071-K (2.5A High Efficiency Switching Regulator, TO3-4 package) LT1071-T (2.5A High Efficiency Switching Regulator, TO220-5 package) LT1615 (Micropower Step-Up DC/DC Converter) LT3652 (Power tracking 2A battery charger for Solar Power) LT8610 (42V, 2.5A Synchronous Step-Down Regulator with 2.5uA Quiescent Current) LTC3127-DD (1A Buck-Boost DC/DC converter with programmable input current limit, DFN package) LTC3127-MSE (1A Buck-Boost DC/DC converter with programmable input current limit, MSOIC package) LTC4267-SSOP (Power over Ethernet IEEE 802.3af PD interface with integrated switching regulator, SSOP package) LTC4267-DFN (Power over Ethernet IEEE 802.3af PD interface with integrated switching regulator, DFN package) LTC6362-DD (Precision, Low Power Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Differential Op Amp/SAR ADC Driver, DFN package) LTC6362-MS8 (Precision, Low Power Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Differential Op Amp/SAR ADC Driver, SOIC package) LTC6992-SOT (Voltage-Controlled Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) - SOT23-6 package) MAX764 (-5V/-12V/-15V or Adjustable, High-Efficiency, Low IQ DC-DC Inverters) MAX1684 (Low-Noise, 14V Input, 1A, PWM Step-Down Converter) MAX8640 (Tiny 500mA, 4MHz/2MHz Synchronous Step-Down DC-DC Converter) MBI6651GSD (1A Step Down Converter) MC34063 (1.5A step up/down/inverting switching regulator) MC34167 (5A step up/down/inverting switching regulator) MCAxxDxxD (Dual output DC/DC converters, DIP package) MCAxxDxxS (Dual output DC/DC converters, SIP package) MCP48x2 (8/10/12-Bit Dual Voltage Output DAC with Internal VREF and SPI Interface) MCP601-DIL (single 2.7V to 6.0V Single Supply CMOS Op Amps, dil package) MCP601-SOT (single 2.7V to 6.0V Single Supply CMOS Op Amps, sot package) MCP601r-SOT (single 2.7V to 6.0V Single Supply CMOS Op Amps, sot package) MCP602 (dual 2.7V to 6.0V Single Supply CMOS Op Amps) MCP603-DIL (single 2.7V to 6.0V Single Supply CMOS Op Amps with Chip Select, dil package) MCP603-SOT (single 2.7V to 6.0V Single Supply CMOS Op Amps with Chip Select, sot package) MCP604 (quad 2.7V to 6.0V Single Supply CMOS Op Amps) MCP1702_SOT (250mA Low Dropout Linear Regulator, SOT package) MCP1702_TO (250mA Low Dropout Linear Regulator, TO package) MCP3002 (2.7V 2 Channel 10-Bit ADC with SPI Serial Interface) MCP3004 (2.7V 4 Channel 10-Bit ADC with SPI Serial Interface) MCP3008 (2.7V 8 Channel 10-Bit ADC with SPI Serial Interface) MCP41x1 (7/8-Bit Single SPI Digital potentiometer with volatile memory) MCP41x2 (7/8-Bit Single SPI Digital rheostat with volatile memory) MCP42x1_DIL (7/8-Bit Dual SPI Digital potentiometer with volatile memory, dual-inline package types) MCP42x1_QFN (7/8-Bit Dual SPI Digital potentiometer with volatile memory, QFN package) MCP42x2 (7/8-Bit Dual SPI Digital rheostat with volatile memory) MCP73831-DFN (Miniature single-cell Li-Ion,Li-Polymer charge controller, DFN2x3 package) MCP73831-SOT (Miniature single-cell Li-Ion,Li-Polymer charge controller, SOT23-5 package) MIC1555YD5 (IttyBitty RC Timer/Oscillator, SOT23-5 package) MIC1555YM5 (IttyBitty RC Timer/Oscillator, SOT23-5 package) MIC1555YMU (IttyBitty RC Timer/Oscillator, DFN-10 package) MIC1557YD5 (IttyBitty RC Timer/Oscillator, SOT23-5 package) MIC1557YM5 (IttyBitty RC Timer/Oscillator, SOT23-5 package) MPU-9150 (9-axis MotionTracking device) MTCH101 (Single-Channel Proximity Detector) NCP1027 (High voltage switching regulator for offline SMPS) NCP3170 (Buck regulator, switching, PWM, 3.0 A) NCS325-SOT (Operational Amplifier, Precision, Zero-Drift, 50uV Offset, 0.25uV/°C, 35uA) NE555 (timer) NJU7771F (Low Dropout linear regulator) NJU7772F (Low Dropout linear regulator) NJU7773F (Low Dropout linear regulator) NJU7774F (Low Dropout linear regulator) NJU7775F (Low Dropout linear regulator) NJU7776F (Low Dropout linear regulator) OPA548 (High-voltage, high-current, wide-output-voltage-swing power operational amplfier) OPA2227 (High precision low noise dual operational amplifiers) OPA2227-DIP (High precision low noise dual operational amplifiers, DIP package) OPA2227-DRM (High precision low noise dual operational amplifiers, DFN package) PT4115-89 (30V 1.2A Step-Down High Brightness LED Driver with 5000:1 Dimming, SOT89-5 package) PT4115-SO (30V 1.2A Step-Down High Brightness LED Driver with 5000:1 Dimming, ESOP-8 package) REF31xx (20-ppm/°C max, 100-µA, 3-pin SOT-23 series voltage reference) ROE-xxyyS (Recom ROE-xxyyS family isolated 1W DC/DC) SAM2195 (Low power single chip synthesizer with effects) SAM5504B (Audio & Music multi-DSP processor) SI7020-A10 (I2C Humidity and Temperature sensor) SN6501 (Transformer Driver for Isolated Power Supplies) SN6505B (Low-noise, 1-A, 420-kHz transformer driver with soft start for isolated power supplies) TC4426 (1.5A Dual inverting High-Speed Power MOSFET Drivers) TC4427 (1.5A Dual non-inverting High-Speed Power MOSFET Drivers) TC4428 (1.5A dual inverting+non-inverting high-speed MOSFET driver) TDA2822M (Dual low voltage Power Amplifiers) TL431 (programmable shunt regulator) TL2575 (1A Simple Step-Down switching voltage regulator) TL4242 (500-mA, Adjustable, Constant-Current LED Driver) TLV431-D (Low-Voltage adjustable precision shunt regulator, SOIC-8 package) TLV431-DBV (Low-Voltage adjustable precision shunt regulator, SOT23-5 package) TLV431-DBZ (Low-Voltage adjustable precision shunt regulator, SOT23 package) TLV431-DCK (Low-Voltage adjustable precision shunt regulator, SC70-6 package) TLV431-LP (Low-Voltage adjustable precision shunt regulator, TO92 package) TLV431-PK (Low-Voltage adjustable precision shunt regulator, SOT89 package) TMP3x (Low voltage Temperature Sensor) TPA3123D2 (25-W Stereo Class-D Audio Power Amplifier) TPS7A16 (60V 100mA LDO) TPS7A30xx (-35V,-200mA, Ultra low-Noise, Negative Linear Regulator) TPS7A49 (36V, 150mA, Ultra low-Noise, Positive Linear Regulator) TS925I (RR High Out Current OpAmp) TS4871 (Output Rail-to-Rail 1W audio power amplifier with standby mode) UA741 (General Purpose Single Operational Amplifier) UC2844 (Single ended 500KHz current mode PWM controller with 16V/10V UVLO) UC2845 (Single ended 500KHz current mode PWM controller with 16V/10V UVLO) UC3844 (Single ended 500KHz current mode PWM controller with 16V/10V UVLO) UC3845 (Single ended 500KHz current mode PWM controller with 16V/10V UVLO) UCC28910 (700V Flyback switcher with constant-voltage constant-current and primary-side control) ULN2803 (Darlington Transistor array) VNH5019A-E (Automotive fully integrated H-bridge motor driver) VS1003-B (Low power single chip synthesizer with effects, BGA-49 package) VS1003-L (Low power single chip synthesizer with effects, LQFP-48 package) VS1053B (OGG/MP3/AAC/WMA/FLAC/MIDI audio codec) ZXLD1360 (30V 1A LED DRIVER with AEC-Q100) |
Connectors (24/04/2023)
arduino_mega_header (full header for the Arduino Mega/Due board) arduino_nano_header (full header for the Arduino Nano board) db-9 db-15 db-25 db-26 db-28 db-37 db-50 db-68 db-100 dc_jack din41612-32-ac din41612-64-ac din41612-96-abc header_1 header_2 header_2x2 header_3 header_3x2 header_4 header_4x2 header_5 header_5x2 header_6 header_6x2 header_7 header_7x2 header_8 header_8x2 header_9 header_9x2 header_10 header_10x2 header_11 header_11x2 header_12 header_12x2 header_13 header_13x2 header_14 header_14x2 header_15 header_15x2 header_16 header_16x2 header_17 header_17x2 header_18 header_18x2 header_19 header_19x2 header_20 header_20x2 header_21x2 header_22x2 header_23x2 header_24x2 header_25x2 header_26x2 header_27x2 header_28x2 header_29x2 header_30x2 header_31x2 header_32x2 header_33x2 header_34x2 header_35x2 header_36x2 header_37x2 header_38x2 header_39x2 header_40x2 header_41x2 header_42x2 header_43x2 header_44x2 header_45x2 header_46x2 header_47x2 header_48x2 header_49x2 header_50x2 jack_3.5mm_3pin jack_3.5mm_4pin jack_3.5mm_5pin pin raspi_io_header (Header for the RaspberryPI A / B I/O connector) raspi_io_header_b+ (Header for the RaspberryPI B+ / 2 I/O connector) rj45-wiznet-rb1-125bag1a (RJ45 connector, wiznet RB1-125BAG1A) rj45_wurth-7499010211A (RJ45 connector, Wurth 7499010211A) rj45_wurth-7499211122A (RJ45 connector, Wurth 7499211122A) stm32f0_discovery_header (Header for the STM32 F0 Discovery board) stm32f3_discovery_header (Header for the STM32 F3 Discovery board) stm32f4_discovery_header (Header for the STM32 F4 Discovery board) stm32vl_discovery_header (Header for the STM32 VL Discovery board) ti_launchxl-f2837xd_header (Header for the TI LaunchXL F2837xD board) usb-b |
Various discrete components (24/04/2023)
battery bav199 (double diode) bridge (diode bridge) buzzer (polarized buzzer) cap (polarized capacitor) cap_feedthrough (3 pin feedthrough capacitor) cap np (unpolarized capacitor) common-mode-choke crystal (quartz crystal) crystal_4p (quartz crystal, 4 pins) detail (placeholder for details) diode dip-1 (dip-switch 1p) dip-10 (dip-switch 10p) dip-10mu (dip-switch 10p multi-unit model) dip-12 (dip-switch 12p) dip-12mu (dip-switch 10p multi-unit model) dip-2 (dip-switch 2p) dip-2mu (dip-switch 2p multi-unit model) dip-3 (dip-switch 3p) dip-3mu (dip-switch 3p multi-unit model) dip-4 (dip-switch 4p) dip-4mu (dip-switch 4p multi-unit model) dip-5 (dip-switch 5p) dip-5mu (dip-switch 5p multi-unit model) dip-6 (dip-switch 6p) dip-6mu (dip-switch 6p multi-unit model) dip-7 (dip-switch 7p) dip-7mu (dip-switch 7p multi-unit model) dip-8 (dip-switch 8p) dip-8mu (dip-switch 8p multi-unit model) dip-9 (dip-switch 9p) dip-9mu (dip-switch 9p multi-unit model) encoder (rotary encoder) encoder_switch (rotary encoder with switch) esd_tpd2e1b06 (Dual-Channel High-Speed ESD Protection Device) FERD20H100SB (100V 20A D-PAK diode) fuse inductor inductor_shield jumper lamp led led_bicolor (2 pin bicolor led) ntc pot (trimmer) pot_dual (dual trimmer) r r-pack 8 (8 independent resistors) r-sil_4 (4 sil resistors + common pin) r-sil_4nb (2 independent resistors, sil4 package) r-sil_5 (5 sil resistors + common pin) r-sil_6 (6 sil resistors + common pin) r-sil_6nb (3 independent resistors, sil6 package) r-sil_7 (7 sil resistors + common pin) r-sil_8 (8 sil resistors+ common pin) r-sil_8nb (4 independent resistors, sil8 package) r-sil_9 (9 sil resistors + common pin) r-sil_10 (10 sil resistors + common pin) r-sil_10nb (5 independent resistors, sil10 package) r-sil_11 (11 sil resistors + common pin) r-sil_12 (12 sil resistors + common pin) r-sil_12nb (6 independent resistors, sil12 package) r-sil_13 (13 sil resistors + common pin) r-sil_14 (14 sil resistors + common pin) r-sil_14nb (7 independent resistors, sil14 package) resonator (3 pin ceramic resonator) schottky sw_3pdt (switch 3pdt) sw_3pnc (switch 3pnc) sw_3pno (switch 3pno) sw_dpdt (switch dpdt) sw_dpnc (switch dpnc) sw_dpno (switch dpno) sw_push (push button) sw_push_d (push button dual) sw_sp3t (switch sp3t) sw_spdt (switch spdt) sw_spnc (switch spnc) sw_spno (switch spno) trasf_bip (transformer with bipolar output) trasf2_bip (transformer with bipolar output, multi-unit version) trasf_dual (dual transformer) trasf_dual_out (dual output transformer) trasf_pa1130nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_pa1131nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_pa1132nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_pa1133nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_pa1134nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_pa1135nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_pa1136nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_pa1137nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_pa1138nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_pa1179nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_pa1180nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_pa1181nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_pa1182nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_pa1183nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_pa1184nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_pa1260nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_pa1269nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_pa1276nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_pa1528nl (PoE power transformer) trasf_unip (single transformer) trasf2_unip (single transformer, multi-unit version) tvs_bipol (bipolar TVS) varistor vbt2045c (Dual low-voltage TrenchMOS barrier Schottky rectifier) zener |
Logics (23/10/2022)
4046 (Phase-Locked Loop) 4049 (6-ch, 3-V to 18-V inverters) 4052 (differential 4-channel analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer with logic-level conversion) 4066 (quad bilateral switch) 4081 (4-ch, 2-input, 3-V to 18-V AND gates) 4093 (quad 2-input NAND Schmitt Trigger, single gate) 40106 (6-ch, 3-V to 18-V inverters with Schmitt-Trigger inputs) 4503 (6-ch, 3-V to 18-V buffers) 4528 (dual monostable multivibrator) 7400 (quad 2-input NAND gate, single gate) 7402 (quad 2-input NOR gate, single gate) 7404 (hex inverter, single gate) 7407 (hex buffers/drivers, single gate) 7408 (quad 2-input AND gate, single gate) 7410 (triple 3-input NAND gate, single gate) 7411 (triple 3-input AND gate, single gate) 7413 (dual 4-input NAND Schmitt-Trigger gate, single gate) 7414 (hex inverter Schmitt-Trigger, single gate) 7420 (dual 4-input NAND gate, single gate) 7421 (dual 4-input AND gate, single gate) 7427 (triple 3-input NOR gate, single gate) 7430 (8-input NAND gate, single gate) 7432 (quad 2-input OR gate, single gate) 7474 (dual D-Type flip-flop with preset and clear) 74266 (Quad 2-input X-NOR gate) 744049 (Hex Buffers, Inverting, single gate) 744050 (Hex Buffers, Non-inverting, single gate) 74hc00 (quad 2-input NAND gate) 74hc08 (quad 2-input AND gate) 74hc14 (hex inverting Schmitt trigger) 74hc138 (3-to-8 line inverting decoder/demultiplexer) 74hc194 (4-bit bidirectional shift register) 74hc238 (3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer) 74hc244 (octal buffer/line driver, 3-state) 74hc245 (octal bus transceiver, 3-state out) 74hc540 (inverting octal buffer/line driver, 3-state) 74hc574 (octal d-type flip-flop, 3-state out) 74hc640 (octal inverting bus transceivers, 3-state out) 74hc4049 (Hex Buffers, Inverting) 74hc4050 (Hex Buffers, Non-inverting) 74hc4051 (8 channel multiplexer-demultiplexer) 74hc4066 (quad bilateral switches) 74hc4094 (8 stage shift and store bus register, 3-state out) 74ls42 (4-line BCD to 10-line decimal decoder) m5450 (34 bit LED display driver) max7219 (7-segments, 8 digits LED display driver) max7221 (7-segments, 8 digits LED display driver) ntb0102 (Dual supply translating transceiver, auto direction sensing, 3-state) sn74lvc1g00-sot (Single 2-input NAND gate) sn74lvc1g02-sot (Single 2-input NOR gate) sn74lvc1g04-sot (Single inverter) sn74lvc1g06-sot (Single inverter with open-drain output) sn74lvc1g07-sot (Single buffer with open-drain output) sn74lvc1g08-sot (Single 2-input AND gate) sn74lvc1g0832-sot (Single 3-input AND-OR gate) sn74lvc1g10-sot (Single 3-input NAND gate) sn74lvc1g11-sot (Single 3-input AND gate) sn74lvc1g123-dil (Single retriggerable monostable multivibrator with Schmitt-trigger inputs) sn74lvc1g125-sot (Single buffer with 3-state outputs) sn74lvc1g126-sot (Single buffer with 3-state outputs) sn74lvc1g132-sot (Single 2-input NAND gate with Schmitt-trigger inputs) sn74lvc1g139-dil (2-Line-to-4-Line decoder) sn74lvc1g14-sot (Single Schmitt-trigger inverter) sn74lvc1g17-sot (Single Schmitt-trigger buffer) sn74lvc1g175-sot (Single D-Type Flip-Flop with asynchronous clear) sn74lvc1g18-sot (One of Two non inverting Demultiplexer with 3-state deselected output) sn74lvc1g19-sot (One of Two Decoder/Demultiplexer) sn74lvc1g240-sot (Single inverter with 3-state outputs) sn74lvc1g27-sot (Single 3-input NOR gate) sn74lvc1g29-dil (2-of-3 Decoder/Demultiplexer) sn74lvc1g3157 (Single-Pole Double-Throw Analog Switch) sn74lvc1g32-sot (Single 2-input OR gate) sn74lvc1g3208-sot (Single 3-input OR-AND gate) sn74lvc1g332-sot (Single 3-input OR gate) sn74lvc1g34-sot (Single buffer) sn74lvc1g373-sot (Single D-Type Latch with 3-state output) sn74lvc1g374-sot (Single D-Type Flip-Flop with asynchronous clear) sn74lvc1g38-sot (Single 2-input NAND gate with open-drain output) sn74lvc1g386-sot (Single 3-input XOR gate) sn74lvc1g57-sot (Configurable Multiple-Function gate) sn74lvc1g58-sot (Configurable Multiple-Function gate) sn74lvc1g66-sot (Single bilateral Analog Switch) sn74lvc1g74-dil (Single D-Type Flip-Flop with Clear and Preset) sn74lvc1g79-sot (Single D-Type Flip-Flop) sn74lvc1g80-sot (Single D-Type Flip-Flop) sn74lvc1g86-sot (Single 2-input XOR gate) sn74lvc1g97-sot (Configurable Multiple-Function gate) sn74lvc1g98-sot (Configurable Multiple-Function gate) sn74lvc1g99-dil (Ultra-Configurable Multiple-Function gate) sn74lvc1t45-sot (Single-Bit Dual-Supply Bus Transceiver With Configurable Voltage Translation and 3-State Outputs) sn74lvc2g00-dil (Dual 2-input NAND gate) sn74lvc2g02-dil (Dual 2-input NOR gate) sn74lvc2g04-sot (Dual inverter) sn74lvc2g06-sot (Dual inverter with open-drain output) sn74lvc2g07-sot (Dual buffer with open-drain output) sn74lvc2g08-dil (Dual 2-input AND gate) sn74lvc2g125-dil (Dual buffer with 3-state outputs) sn74lvc2g126-dil (Dual buffer with 3-state outputs) sn74lvc2g14-sot (Dual Schmitt-trigger inverter) sn74lvc2g157-dil (Single 2-Line to 1-Line data Selector/Multiplexer) sn74lvc2g17-sot (Dual Schmitt-trigger buffer) sn74lvc2g240-dil (Dual inverter with 3-state outputs) sn74lvc2g241-dil (Dual buffer with 3-state outputs) sn74lvc2g32-dil (Dual 2-input OR gate) sn74lvc2g34-sot (Dual buffer) sn74lvc2g38-dil (Dual 2-input NAND gate with open-drain output) sn74lvc2g53-dil (Single-Pole Double-Throw Analog Switch) sn74lvc2g66-dil (Dual bilateral Analog Switch) sn74lvc2g74-dil (Single D-Type Flip-Flop with Clear and Preset) sn74lvc2g79-dil (Dual D-Type Flip-Flop) sn74lvc2g80-dil (Dual D-Type Flip-Flop) sn74lvc2g86-dil (Dual 2-input XOR gate) sn74lvc2t45-dil (Dual-Bit Dual-Supply Bus Transceiver With Configurable Voltage Translation and 3-State Outputs) sn74lvc3g04-dil (Triple inverter) sn74lvc3g06-dil (Triple inverter with open-drain output) sn74lvc3g07-dil (Triple buffer with open-drain output) sn74lvc3g14-dil (Triple Schmitt-trigger inverter) sn74lvc3g17-dil (Triple Schmitt-trigger buffer) sn74lvc3g34-dil (Triple buffer) 74lxch8t24 (8-bit Translating Transceiver with Configurable Level Shifting) |
Memory (31/07/2018)
24xx16B-DIL (16Kb I2C EEPROM, Microchip dual-inline packages) 24xx16B-SOT (16Kb I2C EEPROM, Microchip SOT23-5 package) 24xx128-CS (128Kb I2C EEPROM, Microchip chip size package) 24xx128-DIL (128Kb I2C EEPROM, Microchip dual-inline packages) 24xx128-MSOP (128Kb I2C EEPROM, Microchip MSOP package) 24xx256-CS (256Kb I2C EEPROM, Microchip chip size package) 24xx256-DIL (256Kb I2C EEPROM, Microchip dual-inline packages) 24xx256-MSOP (256Kb I2C EEPROM, Microchip MSOP package) 24xx512-CS (512Kb I2C EEPROM, Microchip chip size package) 24xx512-DIL (512Kb I2C EEPROM, Microchip dual-inline packages) 24xx512-TSSOP (512Kb I2C EEPROM, Microchip TSSOP-14 package) AS7C38098A-BGA (512K X 16 bit high speed CMOS SRAM, Allied Memory TFBGA package) AS7C38098A-TSOP (512K X 16 bit high speed CMOS SRAM, Allied Memory TSOP package) AT45DB011D (1-megabit 2.7V Minimum DataFlash, Adesto Technologies) IS4XTR16256A (256M X 16 BIT DDR3 SRAM) IS4XTR85120A (512M X 8 BIT DDR3 SRAM) IS61WV51216-BGA (512K X 16 bit high speed asynchronous CMOS static RAM with 3.3V supply, ISSI TFBGA package) IS61WV51216-TSOP (512K X 16 bit high speed asynchronous CMOS static RAM with 3.3V supply, ISSI TSOP package) |
Microcontrollers (23/02/2021)
atmega164_324_644_1284p-dip atmega164_324_644_1284p-drqfn atmega164_324_644_1284p-qfp-qfn-mlf atmega164_324_644_1284p-vfbga atmega48_88_168_328-28smd atmega48_88_168_328-32smd atmega48_88_168_328-dip atsam4sxb-lqfp atsam4sxb-qfn atsam4sxc-bga atsam4sxc-lqfp attiny13-10qfn attiny13-20qfn attiny13-dip avr32db28 avr32db32 avr32db48 avr64db28 avr64db32 avr64db48 avr64db64 avr128db28 avr128db32 avr128db48 avr128db64 cat811 cat812 cc2530f cs9236q cy8c58lp-bga cy8c58lp-qfn cy8c58lp-tqfp cy8c21234 ice40hx1k-vq100 ice40hx1k-cb132 ice40hx1k-tq144 ice40hx4k-cb132 ice40hx4k-tq144 ice40hx8k-cb132 ice40hx8k-cm225 ice40hx8k-ct256 lpc122xxx48 lpc122xxx64 lpc1769-bga lpc1769-lqfp mcf5223x-lqfp80 mcf5223x-lqfp112 mcf5223x-bga121 mcp120-sn mcp120d-to mcp120g-to mcp120h-to mcp130-sn mcp130-tt mcp130d-to mcp130f-to mcp130h-to mk20dxxvlk7 mos6502 p8x32A-dip p8x32A-smd pic12f609 pic12f615 pic12f617 pic12f683 pic12f1571 pic16f88-DIP pic16f88-SSOP pic16f628a pic16f874a-DIP pic16f876a pic16f877a pic16f877a-DIP pic16f884-DIP pic16f887-DIP pic16f1503-DIP pic16f1574-DIP pic16f15323-DIP pic16f15324-DIP pic16f15325-DIP pic16f15344-DIP pic16f15345-DIP pic16f15354-DIP pic16f15355-DIP pic16f15356-DIP pic16f18877-40QFN pic16f18877-44QF pic16f18877-DIP pic18f66j60 pic18f242 pic18f252 pic18f2480 pic18f4585-DIP pic18f4620 pic18f4680-DIP pic24fjxxxgb106-mr pic24fjxxxgb106-pt pic24fjxxxgb108-pt pic24fjxxxgb110-px sam2655 stm32f40xvx stm32f40xzx stm32f102cx stm32f102rx stm32f405ox stm32f405rg stm32f407lx-lqfp stm32f407lx-ufbga tcm809 (3-pin microcontroller reset monitor) tcm810 (3-pin microcontroller reset monitor) upd70433-g upd70433-r v9958 |
Optoelectronic devices (21/09/2022)
7SEGMENTS (common anode 7seg display, generic) ACDA02 (dual common anode 7seg display, Kingbright ACDA02 series) ACPL-K342 (2.5 Amp Output Current IGBT Gate Drive Optocoupler with Active Miller Clamp, Rail-to-Rail Output Voltage and UVLO in Stretched SO8) ACPL-W61L (Ultra Low Power 10MBd Digital CMOS Optocoupler) AC_OPTO (AC optocoupler, DIP6 package) CMD-5571x00 (7x5 dot matrix display, common cathode, US Electronics CMD-5571 series) CMD-5572x00 (7x5 dot matrix display, common anode, US Electronics CMD-5572 series) CPC1117N (Normally closed Solid State Relay) CREE_MC-E (Cree MC-E RGBW power LED) CREE_XHP50 (Cree XHP-50 power LED) DC_OPTO (DC Input Optocoupler) DC_OPTO_FET (DC Input Optocoupler) EDISON_FEDERAL_5050 (Edison Federal 5050 RGBW power LED) H11N1 (6-Pin DIP High Speed Logic Optocouplers) HDSP-Uxxx (common anode 7seg display, AVAGO HDSP series) KB814 (single AC optocoupler, DIP4 package) KB824 (dual AC optocoupler, DIP8 package) KB834 (triple AC optocoupler, DIP12 package) KB844 (quad AC optocoupler, DIP16 package) NOA1212 (Ambient Light Sensor with Dark Current Compensation) PLCC6_LED POWER_LED (LED with heatsink pin) RGB_LED RGB_POWER_LED (RGB LED with heatsink pin) SA50-xxxxx (5" 7seg display, Kingbright SA50 series) SAxx-xxxxxx (common anode 7seg display, Kingbright SA series) Seoul_SFT825N (Seoul SFT825 RGB LED) SEOUL_Z7 (Seoul Z7 RGBW power LED) SFH5712 (High accuracy ambient light sensor with I2C bus interface) TKS-363H (common cathode 7seg display, TKS series) TLP523 (single DC optocoupler, DIP4 package) TLP523-2 (dual DC optocoupler, DIP8 package) TLP523-4 (quad DC optocoupler, DIP16 package) TLP624 (single DC optocoupler, DIP4 package) TLP624-2 (dual DC optocoupler, DIP8 package) |
Relais (21/09/2022)
hssr-8200 (200V/160 ohm Small Signal Solid State Relay) relay_1pdt (single pole dual throw relay, multi-unit) relay_1pno (single pole NO contact relay, multi-unit) relay_2pdt (dual pole dual throw relay, multi-unit) relay_2pno (dual pole NO contact relay, multi-unit) relay_3pdt (three pole dual throw relay, multi-unit) relay_3pno (three pole NO contact relay, multi-unit) relay_4pdt (four pole dual throw relay, multi-unit) relay_4pno (four pole NO contact relay, multi-unit) relay_5pdt (five pole dual throw relay, multi-unit) relay_5pno (five pole NO contact relay, multi-unit) relay_34.51 (34.51 Form C relay) relay_34.81-7048 (34.81-7048 solid state relay) relay_34.81-8240 (34.81-8240 solid state relay) relay_34.81-9024 (34.81-9024 solid state relay) relay_40.31 (40.31 Form C relay) relay_40.51 (40.51 Form C relay) relay_40.52 (40.52 2 Form C Relay) relay_40.61 (40.61 16A Form C Relay) relay_9001 (Reed relay, Coto 9001) relay_9002 (Reed relay, Coto 9002) relay_dk1a (1 Form A relay, Matsushita DK1a) relay_dk1a-l2 (1 Form A, dual coil latch relay, Matsushita DK1a-L2) relay_dk1a1b (1 Form A + 1 Form B relay, Matsushita DK1a1b) relay_dk1a1b-l2 (1 Form A + 1 Form B, dual coil latch relay, Matsushita DK1a1b-L2) relay_dk2a (2 Form A relay, Matsushita DK2a) relay_dk2a-l2 (2 Form A, dual coil latch relay, Matsushita DK2a-L2) relay_dpdt (2 Form C relay) relay_ftr-lyc (1 Form C relay, FTR-LY) relay_gq (2 Form C relay, Panasonic GQ) relay_hb (2 Form C relay, National HB) relay_HJR-3FF_h (1 Form A relay, Tianbo HJR) relay_HJR-3FF_z (1 Form C relay, Tianbo HJR) relay_g5le-1 (1 Form C relay, Omron G5LE-1) relay_g5le-la (1 Form A relay, Omron G5LE-1A) relay_js-k (1 Form C relay, Fujitsu JS) relay_pe (1 Form C relay, Schrack PE) relay_rt1 (1 Form C relay, Schrack RT1) relay_rt1_spno (1 Form A relay, Schrack RT1) relay_sj-1m (1 Form A relay, Sanyou SJ-x-1xxxM) relay_spdt (1 Form C relay) relay_sy (1 Form C relay, Takamisawa SY) relay_t9as1x1 (1 Form A relay, TE T9AS1x1) relay_t9as2x1 (1 Form B relay, TE T9AS2x1) relay_t9as5x1 (1 Form C relay, TE T9AS5x1) relay_v23042 (2 Form C relay, Siemens V23042) relay_v23042-b2 (2 Form C, dual coil latch relay, Siemens V23042-B2) relay_v23101-d0 (1 Form B relay, TE V23101-D0) relay_v23101-d0-b (1 Form B relay, TE V23101-D0-xB) relay_v23101-d1 (1 Form C relay, TE V23101-D1) relay_v23101-d1-b (1 Form C relay, TE V23101-D1-xB) |
Transmission ICs (24/04/2024)
adum1281 (3kV RMS Dual Channel Digital Isolators) adum1286 (3kV RMS Dual Channel Digital Isolators) anaren_a110lr09 (Anaren A110LR09x RF module) anaren_a1101r04c (Anaren A1101R04C RF module) anaren_a1101r08 (Anaren A1101R08x RF module) anaren_a1101r09 (Anaren A1101R09x RF module) anaren_a2500r24 (Anaren A2500R24 RF module) anaren_a8520e24a91 (Anaren A8520E24A91 PurePath RF module) antenna (simple 1-pin antenna) antenna_shield (2-pin antenna) casambi_cbm001 (Casambi CBM001 Bluetooth module) cy7c65621 (EZ-USB HX2LP Lite Low Power USB 2.0 Hub Controller Family) cy7c65631 (EZ-USB HX2LP Lite Low Power USB 2.0 Hub Controller Family) ds8921 (RS422/RS485 transceiver) esp32-mini-1 (Espressif ESP32-MINI-1 2.4 GHz WiÂFi (802.11 b/g/n) module) esp32-mini-1u (Espressif ESP32-MINI-1U 2.4 GHz WiÂFi (802.11 b/g/n) module) esp32-pico-mini-02 (Espressif ESP32-PICO-MINI-02 2.4 GHz WiÂFi (802.11 b/g/n) module) esp32-pico-mini-02u (Espressif ESP32-PICO-MINI-02U 2.4 GHz WiÂFi (802.11 b/g/n) module) esp32-solo (Espressif ESP32-S2-SOLO/-U 2.4 GHz WiÂFi (802.11 b/g/n) module) esp32-wroom-32e (Espressif ESP32-WROOM-32E 2.4 GHz WiÂFi (802.11 b/g/n) module) esp32-wroom-32ue (Espressif ESP32-WROOM-32UE 2.4 GHz WiÂFi (802.11 b/g/n) module) esp32-wroom-da (Espressif ESP32-WROOM-DA 2.4 GHz WiÂFi (802.11 b/g/n) module) esp32-wrover-e (Espressif ESP32-WROVER-E 2.4 GHz WiÂFi (802.11 b/g/n) module) esp32-wrover-ie (Espressif ESP32-WROVER-IE 2.4 GHz WiÂFi (802.11 b/g/n) module) ft232bl (usb to RS232-RS485 converter) ft232rl (usb2 to RS232-RS485 converter) ft245rl (usb2 to FIFO converter) id_id2la (ID-Innovation ID-2LA RFID module) id_id12la (ID-Innovation ID-12LA RFID module) id_id20la (ID-Innovation ID-20LA RFID module) isl3172e (15kV ESD Protected, 3.3V, Full Fail-Safe, Low Power, High Speed or Slew Rate Limited, RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers) isl3175e (15kV ESD Protected, 3.3V, Full Fail-Safe, Low Power, High Speed or Slew Rate Limited, RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers) isl3178e (15kV ESD Protected, 3.3V, Full Fail-Safe, Low Power, High Speed or Slew Rate Limited, RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers) iso1042 (Isolated CAN Transceiver With 70-V Bus Fault Protection and Flexible Data Rate) iso1050 (Isolated CAN Transceiver) iso1500 (3-kVRMS Basic Isolated RS-485/RS-422 Transceiver in Ultra-Small Package) itead_hc-05 (Itead HC-05 serial Bluetooth module) ksz8081rn (10Base-T/100Base-TX PHY with RMII support) lan8710a (Small Footprint MII/RMII 10/100 Ethernet Transceiver with HP Auto-MDIX and flexPWR Technology) m145026 (remote control encoder) m145027 (remote control decoder) max232 (RS232 driver-receiver) max485 (RS485 driver-receiver) max3030e (15KV ESD-protected, 3.3V quad RS-422 transmitters) max3031e (15KV ESD-protected, 3.3V quad RS-422 transmitters) max3032e (15KV ESD-protected, 3.3V quad RS-422 transmitters) max3033e (15KV ESD-protected, 3.3V quad RS-422 transmitters) max3093e (15KV ESD-protected, 10Mbps, 3V/5V Low power quad RS-422/RS-485 receivers) max3094e (15KV ESD-protected, 10Mbps, 3V/5V Low power quad RS-422/RS-485 receivers) max3316-ssop (2.5V, 1uA, 460kbps, RS-232-Compatible Transceivers) max3316-tssop (2.5V, 1uA, 460kbps, RS-232-Compatible Transceivers) max3317 (2.5V, 1uA, 460kbps, RS-232-Compatible Transceivers) max3318 (2.5V, 1uA, 460kbps, RS-232-Compatible Transceivers) max3319 (2.5V, 1uA, 460kbps, RS-232-Compatible Transceivers) mcp23s17-dil (16bit I/O expander with SPI interface) mcp23s17-qfn (16bit I/O expander with SPI interface) mcp2120 (IrDA Encoder/Decoder) mcp2551 (CAN BUS transceiver) mcp23017-dil (16bit I/O expander with I2C interface) mcp23017-qfn (16bit I/O expander with I2C interface) panasonic_pan131x (Panasonic PAN131x Bluetooth module) panasonic_pan132x (Panasonic PAN132x Bluetooth module) pca9306-bga (Dual bidirectional I2C bus and SMBus Voltage-Level translator, BGA package) pca9306-dil (Dual bidirectional I2C bus and SMBus Voltage-Level translator, DIL package) pcf8574 (Remote 8-bit I/O expander for I2C-bus) qm-5767-f00 (QM-5767-F00 FM digital tuner module) rfm12b (Hope RFM12B RF module) rfm22b (Hope RFM22B RF module) roving_rn-42 (Roving Network Bluetooth module) roving_rn-42-n (Roving Network Bluetooth module) roving_rn-131 (Roving Network RN-131 802.11 b/g WiFi module) sc16is740 (Single UART with I2C-bus/SPI interface, 64-byte FIFOs, IrDA SIR) sc16is750 (Single UART with I2C-bus/SPI interface, 64-byte FIFOs, IrDA SIR) si4704-gm (Broadcast FM radio receiver for consumer electronics) si4705-gm (Broadcast FM RDS radio receiver for consumer electronics) sky12347 (DC-3.0 GHz Six-Bit Digital Attenuator with Serial or Parallel Driver (0.5 dB LSB)) sn55lbc176-dil (Differential Bus Transceivers, DIL packages) sn65lbc176-dil (Differential Bus Transceivers, DIL packages) sn75lbc176-dil (Differential Bus Transceivers, DIL packages) sp3224e (3.0V to 5.5V RS-232 Transceivers with Auto On-Line Plus) sp3226e (3.0V to 5.5V RS-232 Transceivers with Auto On-Line Plus) tcan1044v (Automotive Fault-Protected CAN FD Transceiver With 1.8-V I/O Support) telit_gl865 (Telit GL865 GSM/GPRS module) txb0104-d (4-bit bidirectional Voltage-Level translator with automatic direction sensing and 15kV ESD protection) txb0104-gxu (4-bit bidirectional Voltage-Level translator with automatic direction sensing and 15kV ESD protection) txb0104-pw (4-bit bidirectional Voltage-Level translator with automatic direction sensing and 15kV ESD protection) txb0104-rgy (4-bit bidirectional Voltage-Level translator with automatic direction sensing and 15kV ESD protection) txb0104-rut (4-bit bidirectional Voltage-Level translator with automatic direction sensing and 15kV ESD protection) txb0104-yzt (4-bit bidirectional Voltage-Level translator with automatic direction sensing and 15kV ESD protection) txb0104-zxu (4-bit bidirectional Voltage-Level translator with automatic direction sensing and 15kV ESD protection) txs0102-bga (2-bit bidir. Voltage-Level translator for Open-Drain and Push-Pull, BGA package) txs0102-dil (2-bit bidir. Voltage-Level translator for Open-Drain and Push-Pull, DIL package) txs0102-qfn (2-bit bidir. Voltage-Level translator for Open-Drain and Push-Pull, QFN package) txs0108-bga (8-bit bidir. Voltage-Level translator for Open-Drain and Push-Pull, BGA package) txs0108-dil (8-bit bidir. Voltage-Level translator for Open-Drain and Push-Pull, DIL package) txs0108-qfn (8-bit bidir. Voltage-Level translator for Open-Drain and Push-Pull, QFN package) w5500 (Hardwired TCP/IP embedded ethernet controller) xr20m1170-16qfn (I2C/SPI UART WITH 64-byte FIFO) xr20m1170-16tssop (I2C/SPI UART WITH 64-byte FIFO) xr20m1170-24qfn (I2C/SPI UART WITH 64-byte FIFO) xr20m1170-24tssop (I2C/SPI UART WITH 64-byte FIFO) |
Transistors, MOSFETs, etc... (24/04/2023)
CSD18532Q5B (N-channel 60V Power MOSFET, Q5B) FDC6305N (N bi-mosfet) FDS8447 (N-channel Power MOSFET, SO-8) fet_n (N-JFET with generic GDS package) fet_n_DGS (N-JFET with numbered pins) fet_n_DSG (N-JFET with numbered pins) fet_n_GDS (N-JFET with numbered pins) fet_n_GSD (N-JFET with numbered pins) fet_n_SDG (N-JFET with numbered pins) fet_n_SGD (N-JFET with numbered pins) fet_p (N-JFET with generic GDSpackage) fet_p_DGS (P-JFET with numbered pins) fet_p_DSG (P-JFET with numbered pins) fet_p_GDS (P-JFET with numbered pins) fet_p_GSD (P-JFET with numbered pins) fet_p_SDG (P-JFET with numbered pins) fet_p_SGD (P-JFET with numbered pins) igbt+fwd (IGBT with diode) igbt+fwd_dual-pin (IGBT with diode) mos_n (N-MOS with generic GDS package) mos_n_DGS (N-MOS with numbered pins) mos_n_DSG (N-MOS with numbered pins) mos_n_GDS (N-MOS with numbered pins) mos_n_GSD (N-MOS with numbered pins) mos_n_SDG (N-MOS with numbered pins) mos_n_SGD (N-MOS with numbered pins) mos_p (P-MOS with generic GDS package) mos_p_DGS (P-MOS with numbered pins) mos_p_DSG (P-MOS with numbered pins) mos_p_GDS (P-MOS with numbered pins) mos_p_GSD (P-MOS with numbered pins) mos_p_SDG (P-MOS with numbered pins) mos_p_SGD (P-MOS with numbered pins) npn (BJT NPN with generic BCE package) npn_BCE (BJT NPN with numbered pins) npn_BEC (BJT NPN with numbered pins) npn_CBE (BJT NPN with numbered pins) npn_CEB (BJT NPN with numbered pins) npn_EBC (BJT NPN with numbered pins) npn_ECB (BJT NPN with numbered pins) NTMFS5832NL (Power MOS, 40V 111A, DFN5) pnp (BJT NPN with generic BCE package) pnp_BCE (BJT NPN with numbered pins) pnp_BEC (BJT NPN with numbered pins) pnp_CBE (BJT NPN with numbered pins) pnp_CEB (BJT NPN with numbered pins) pnp_EBC (BJT NPN with numbered pins) pnp_ECB (BJT NPN with numbered pins) PZT2907 (PNP Silicon Epitaxial Transistor, SOT223) scr (SCR with generic AKG package) SI1926DL (Dual N-channel 60V MOSFET, SC70-6) SI3440DV (N channel 150V MOSFET, TSOT-6) SI4401BD (P channel 40V MOSFET, SO-8) triac_bta (triac with BTx series pinout) |
Vacuum tubes (24/07/2018)
2A3B (Triode Vacuum tube) 6AU6 (Pentode Vacuum tube) 6BQ5 (Pentode Vacuum tube) 6CA7 (Pentode Vacuum tube) 6L6G (Beam Tetrode Vacuum tube) 6N6P (Double Triode Vacuum tube) 6P3P (Beam Tetrode Vacuum tube) 6SL7-GT (Double Triode Vacuum tube) 6SN7GT (Double Triode Vacuum tube) 12AT7 (Double Triode Vacuum tube) 12AU7 (Double Triode Vacuum tube) 12AX7 (Double Triode Vacuum tube) 12SN7GT (Double Triode Vacuum tube) 211 (Triode Vacuum tube) 572B (Emitter Vacuum tube) 805 (Emitter Vacuum tube) 811 (Emitter Vacuum tube) 845 (Emitter Vacuum tube) 5814 (Double Triode Vacuum tube) 5881 (Beam Tetrode Vacuum tube) 6189 (Double Triode Vacuum tube) 6201 (Double Triode Vacuum tube) 6550 (Beam Tetrode Vacuum tube) 7025 (Double Triode Vacuum tube) CV5220 (Beam Tetrode Vacuum tube) ECC81 (Double Triode Vacuum tube) ECC82 (Double Triode Vacuum tube) ECC83 (Double Triode Vacuum tube) ECC88 (Double Triode Vacuum tube) ECC99 (Double Triode Vacuum tube) EF85 (Pentode Vacuum tube) EF86 (Pentode Vacuum tube) EF94 (Pentode Vacuum tube) EL34 (Pentode Vacuum tube) EL84 (Pentode Vacuum tube) EL156 (Pentode Vacuum tube) FU-5 (Emitter Vacuum tube) FU-811 (Emitter Vacuum tube) GL-211 (Triode Vacuum tube) GL-805 (Emitter Vacuum tube) GT-12AT7 (Double Triode Vacuum tube) IV-6 (IV-6 VFD (Nixie) Vacuum tube) KT66 (Beam Tetrode Vacuum tube) KT88 (Beam Tetrode Vacuum tube) PCF802 (Triode-Pentode Vacuum tube) PCL82 (Triode-Pentode Vacuum tube) PCL86 (Triode-Pentode Vacuum tube) UV-211 (Triode Vacuum tube) UY-807 (Emitter Vacuum tube) UY-845 (Emitter Vacuum tube) |
Battery holders (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
keystone_104 keystone_105 keystone_106 keystone_107 keystone_301 keystone_499 keystone_500 keystone_501 keystone_502 keystone_1025 keystone_1025-7 keystone_1026 keystone_1027 keystone_2990 keystone_2991 keystone_2992 keystone_2993 keystone_3000 keystone_3001 keystone_3008 keystone_3009 |
PTH Capacitors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
cnp_7x4.5mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 7x4.5mm) cnp_7x6mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 7x6mm) cnp_13x4mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 13x4mm) cnp_17.5x5h11mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 17.5x5mm) cnp_17.5x6h12mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 17.5x6mm) cnp_17.5x7h13.5mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 17.5x7mm) cnp_17.5x8.5h15mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 17.5x8.5mm) cnp_17.5x10h16.5mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 17.5x10mm) cnp_18x5mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 18x5mm) cnp_18x6mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 18x6mm) cnp_18x8mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 18x8mm) cnp_26x6h15.5mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 26x6mm) cnp_26x7h16.5mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 26x7mm) cnp_26x8.5h18mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 26x8.5mm) cnp_26x10h19.5mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 26x10mm) cnp_31.5x9h19mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 31.5x9mm) cnp_31.5x9h19mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 31.5x9mm) cnp_31.5x15h25mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 31.5x15mm) cnp_31.5x18h28mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 31.5x18mm) cnp_31x11h21mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 31x11mm) cnp_31x13h23mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 31x13mm) cnp_31x21h21mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 31x21mm) cnp_41.5x14.5h24.5mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 41.5x14.5mm) cnp_41.5x16h28.5mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 41.5x16mm) cnp_41.5x18h32.5mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 41.5x18mm) cnp_42x24h44mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 42x24mm) cnp_42x30h45mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 42x30mm) cnp_42x30h45mm-4p10 (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 42x30mm, 4 pins, pitch 37.5x10.2mm) cnp_42x30h45mm-4p20 (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 42x30mm, 4 pins, pitch 37.5x20.3mm) cnp_43x18.5h35.5mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 43x18.5mm) cnp_43x21.5h38.5mm (unpolarized radial rectangular capacitor 43x21.5mm) cnp_3mm_disc (disc ceramic capacitor dia=3mm) cnp_6mm_disc (disc ceramic capacitor dia=6mm) cnp_7.5mm_disc (disc ceramic capacitor dia=7.5mm) cnp_12mm_disc (disc ceramic capacitor dia=12mm) cnpa_10x33mm (unpolarized cylindric axial capacitor dia=10mm l=33mm) cnpa_12x33mm (unpolarized cylindric axial capacitor dia=12mm l=33mm) cnpa_14x33mm (unpolarized cylindric axial capacitor dia=14mm l=33mm) cnpa_16x33mm (unpolarized cylindric axial capacitor dia=16mm l=33mm) cnpa_18x33mm (unpolarized cylindric axial capacitor dia=18mm l=33mm) cnpa_20x33mm (unpolarized cylindric axial capacitor dia=20mm l=33mm) cnpa_22x33mm (unpolarized cylindric axial capacitor dia=22mm l=33mm) cnpa_20x44mm (unpolarized cylindric axial capacitor dia=20mm l=44mm) cnpa_24x44mm (unpolarized cylindric axial capacitor dia=24mm l=44mm) cnpa_28x44mm (unpolarized cylindric axial capacitor dia=28mm l=44mm) cnpa_34x44mm (unpolarized cylindric axial capacitor dia=34mm l=44mm) cnpa_29x58mm (unpolarized cylindric axial capacitor dia=29mm l=58mm) cnpa_32x58mm (unpolarized cylindric axial capacitor dia=32mm l=58mm) cpa_5x11mm (cylindric axial electrolytic capacitor dia=5mm l=11mm) cpa_6x11mm (cylindric axial electrolytic capacitor dia=6mm l=11mm) cpa_8x21mm (cylindric axial electrolytic capacitor dia=8mm l=21mm) cpa_13x31mm (cylindric axial electrolytic capacitor dia=13mm l=31mm) cpa_16x31mm (cylindric axial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm l=31mm) cpa_16x40mm (cylindric axial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm l=40mm) cp_4x5mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=4mm h=5mm) cp_4x5mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=4mm h=5mm, horizontal left) cp_4x5mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=4mm h=5mm, horizontal right) cp_4x7mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=4mm h=7mm) cp_4x7mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=4mm h=7mm, horizontal left) cp_4x7mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=4mm h=7mm, horizontal right) cp_5x5mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=5mm h=5mm) cp_5x5mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=5mm h=5mm, horizontal left) cp_5x5mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=5mm h=5mm, horizontal right) cp_5x7mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=5mm h=7mm) cp_5x7mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=5mm h=7mm, horizontal left) cp_5x7mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=5mm h=7mm, horizontal right) cp_5x11mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=5mm h=11mm) cp_5x11mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=5mm h=11mm, horizontal left) cp_5x11mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=5mm h=11mm, horizontal right) cp_5x15mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=5mm h=15mm) cp_5x15mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=5mm h=15mm, horizontal left) cp_5x15mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=5mm h=15mm, horizontal right) cp_6.3x5mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=6.3mm h=5mm) cp_6.3x5mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=6.3mm h=5mm, horizontal left) cp_6.3x5mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=6.3mm h=5mm, horizontal right) cp_6.3x7mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=6.3mm h=7mm) cp_6.3x7mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=6.3mm h=7mm, horizontal left) cp_6.3x7mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=6.3mm h=7mm, horizontal right) cp_6.3x11mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=6.3mm h=11mm) cp_6.3x11mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=6.3mm h=11mm, horizontal left) cp_6.3x11mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=6.3mm h=11mm, horizontal right) cp_6.3x15mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=6.35mm h=15mm) cp_6.3x15mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=6.3mm h=15mm, horizontal left) cp_6.3x15mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=6.3mm h=15mm, horizontal right) cp_8x7mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=8mm h=7mm) cp_8x7mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=8mm h=7mm, horizontal left) cp_8x7mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=8mm h=7mm, horizontal right) cp_8x11.5mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=8mm h=11.5mm) cp_8x11.5mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=8mm h=11.5mm, horizontal left) cp_8x11.5mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=8mm h=11.5mm, horizontal right) cp_8x15mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=8mm h15mm) cp_8x15mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=8mm h=15mm, horizontal left) cp_8x15mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=8mm h=15mm, horizontal right) cp_8x20mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=8mm h=20mm) cp_8x20mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=8mm h=20mm, horizontal left) cp_8x20mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=8mm h=20mm, horizontal right) cp_10x12.5mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=10mm h=12.5mm) cp_10x12.5mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=10mm h=12.5mm, horizontal left) cp_10x12.5mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=10mm h=12.5mm, horizontal right) cp_10x16mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=10mm h=16mm) cp_10x16mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=10mm h=16mm, horizontal left) cp_10x16mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=10mm h=16mm, horizontal right) cp_10x20mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=10mm h=20mm) cp_10x20mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=10mm h=20mm, horizontal left) cp_10x20mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=10mm h=20mm, horizontal right) cp_10x25mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=10mm h=25mm) cp_10x25mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=10mm h=25mm, horizontal left) cp_10x25mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=10mm h=25mm, horizontal right) cp_10x30mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=10mm h=30mm) cp_10x30mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=10mm h=30mm, horizontal left) cp_10x30mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=10mm h=30mm, horizontal right) cp_12.5x15mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=12.5mm h=15mm) cp_12.5x15mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=12.5mm h=15mm, horizontal left) cp_12.5x15mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=12.5mm h=15mm, horizontal right) cp_12.5x20mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=12.5mm h=20mm) cp_12.5x20mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=12.5mm h=20mm, horizontal left) cp_12.5x20mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=12.5mm h=20mm, horizontal right) cp_12.5x25mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=12.5mm h=25mm) cp_12.5x25mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=12.5mm h=25mm, horizontal left) cp_12.5x25mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=12.5mm h=25mm, horizontal right) cp_12.5x30mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=12.5mm h=30mm) cp_12.5x30mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=12.5mm h=30mm, horizontal left) cp_12.5x30mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=12.5mm h=30mm, horizontal right) cp_12.5x35mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=12.5mm h=35mm) cp_12.5x35mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=12.5mm h=35mm, horizontal left) cp_12.5x35mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=12.5mm h=35mm, horizontal right) cp_12.5x40mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=12.5mm h=40mm) cp_12.5x40mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=12.5mm h=40mm, horizontal left) cp_12.5x40mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=12.5mm h=40mm, horizontal right) cp_16x16mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm h=16mm) cp_16x16mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm h=16mm, horizontal left) cp_16x16mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm h=16mm, horizontal right) cp_16x20mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm h=20mm) cp_16x20mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm h=20mm, horizontal left) cp_16x20mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm h=20mm, horizontal right) cp_16x25mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm h=25mm) cp_16x25mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm h=25mm, horizontal left) cp_16x25mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm h=25mm, horizontal right) cp_16x31.5mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm h=31.5mm) cp_16x31.5mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm h=31.5mm, horizontal left) cp_16x31.5mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm h=31.5mm, horizontal right) cp_16x35.5mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm h=35.5mm) cp_16x35.5mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm h=35.5mm, horizontal left) cp_16x35.5mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm h=35.5mm, horizontal right) cp_16x40mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm h=40mm) cp_16x40mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm h=40mm, horizontal left) cp_16x40mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=16mm h=40mm, horizontal right) cp_18x16mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=18mm h=16mm) cp_18x16mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=18mm h=16mm, horizontal left) cp_18x16mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=18mm h=16mm, horizontal right) cp_18x20mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=18mm h=20mm) cp_18x20mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=18mm h=20mm, horizontal left) cp_18x20mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=18mm h=20mm, horizontal right) cp_18x25mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=18mm h=25mm) cp_18x25mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=18mm h=25mm, horizontal left) cp_18x25mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=18mm h=25mm, horizontal right) cp_18x31.5mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=18mm h=31.5mm) cp_18x31.5mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=18mm h=31.5mm, horizontal left) cp_18x31.5mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=18mm h=31.5mm, horizontal right) cp_18x35.5mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=18mm h=35.5mm) cp_18x35.5mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=18mm h=35.5mm, horizontal left) cp_18x35.5mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=18mm h=35.5mm, horizontal right) cp_18x40mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=18mm h=40mm) cp_18x40mm_horiz-L (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=18mm h=40mm, horizontal left) cp_18x40mm_horiz-R (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=18mm h=40mm, horizontal right) cp_22x20mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=22mm h=20mm) cp_22x25mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=22mm h=25mm) cp_22x30mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=22mm h=30mm) cp_22x35mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=22mm h=35mm) cp_22x40mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=22mm h=40mm) cp_22x45mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=22mm h=45mm) cp_22x50mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=22mm h=50mm) cp_25x20mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=25mm h=20mm) cp_25x25mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=25mm h=25mm) cp_25x30mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=25mm h=30mm) cp_25x35mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=25mm h=35mm) cp_25x40mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=25mm h=40mm) cp_25x45mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=25mm h=45mm) cp_25x50mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=25mm h=50mm) cp_30x20mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=30mm h=20mm) cp_30x25mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=30mm h=25mm) cp_30x30mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=30mm h=30mm) cp_30x35mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=30mm h=35mm) cp_30x40mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=30mm h=40mm) cp_30x45mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=30mm h=45mm) cp_30x50mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=30mm h=50mm) cp_35x20mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=35mm h=20mm) cp_35x25mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=35mm h=25mm) cp_35x30mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=35mm h=30mm) cp_35x35mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=35mm h=35mm) cp_35x40mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=35mm h=40mm) cp_35x45mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=35mm h=45mm) cp_35x50mm (cylindric radial electrolytic capacitor dia=35mm h=50mm) phv_h_9x17.3x14.5 (Cooper PHV series supercapacitor, horizontal, 9x17.3x14.5mm) phv_h_9x17.3x22 (Cooper PHV series supercapacitor, horizontal, 9x17.3x22mm) phv_h_9x17.3x32.5 (Cooper PHV series supercapacitor, horizontal, 9x17.3x32.5mm) phv_h_11x21.3x23 (Cooper PHV series supercapacitor, horizontal, 11x21.3x23mm) phv_h_11x21.3x32.5 (Cooper PHV series supercapacitor, horizontal, 11x21.3x32.5mm) phv_v_9x17.3x14.5 (Cooper PHV series supercapacitor, vertical, 9x17.3x14.5mm) phv_v_9x17.3x22 (Cooper PHV series supercapacitor, vertical, 9x17.3x22mm) phv_v_9x17.3x32.5 (Cooper PHV series supercapacitor, vertical, 9x17.3x32.5mm) phv_v_11x21.3x23 (Cooper PHV series supercapacitor, vertical, 11x21.3x23mm) phv_v_11x21.3x32.5 (Cooper PHV series supercapacitor, vertical, 11x21.3x32.5mm) |
W+P 5251 series connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
5251-02-2 5251-03-1 5251-03-2 5251-04-1 5251-04-2 5251-05-1 5251-05-2 |
Amtek 5Px5MRA37 series connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
5PH5MRA37-102G0PN-020 5PS5MRA37-102G0NNN-00 5PS5MRA37-102G0NPN-00 |
AVX 9159 series connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
9159_hp_3 (AVX 9159 series 3-way horizontal plug) 9159_hp_4 (AVX 9159 series 4-way horizontal plug) 9159_hp_5 (AVX 9159 series 5-way horizontal plug) 9159_hp_6 (AVX 9159 series 6-way horizontal plug) 9159_hs_2 (AVX 9159 series 2-way horizontal socket) 9159_hs_3 (AVX 9159 series 3-way horizontal socket) 9159_hs_4 (AVX 9159 series 4-way horizontal socket) 9159_hs_5 (AVX 9159 series 5-way horizontal socket) 9159_hs_6 (AVX 9159 series 6-way horizontal socket) |
A/V Connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
jack_3.5_pj313d-smt (3-way 3.5mm SMD jack, HongKong RTL PJ313D) jack_3.5_sj1-3513-smt (3-way 3.5mm SMD jack, CUI SJ1-3513-SMT) jack_3.5_sj1-3514-smt (4-way 3.5mm SMD jack, CUI SJ1-3514-SMT) jack_3.5_sj1-3515-smt (5-way 3.5mm SMD jack, CUI SJ1-3515-SMT) jack_3.5_vert_lje0352-4r (Lih Sheng LJE0352-4R) minidin-8 (8 poles mini DIN receptacle (S-Video) - Tyco P/N 1734096-1) rca_black (RCA Audio connector, black, Pro Signal p/n PSG01544) rca_red (RCA Audio connector, red, Pro Signal p/n PSG01545) rca_white (RCA Audio connector, white, Pro Signal p/n PSG01546) rca_yellow (RCA Audio connector, yellow, Pro Signal p/n PSG01547) scart (scart receptacle- Tyco P/N 1483465-1) |
D-SUB Connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
db-9m (9 poles male D-SUB receptacle - Tyco P/N 4-338168-2) db-15f (15 poles female D-SUB receptacle - Tyco P/N 5747845-5) db-15m (15 poles male D-SUB receptacle - Tyco P/N 5747841-6) db-25f (25 poles female D-SUB receptacle - Tyco P/N 4-106507-2) db-25m (25 poles male D-SUB receptacle - Tyco P/N 5747842-5) db-26f (26 poles female D-SUB receptacle - Tyco Amplimite P/N 5787082-2) db-28f (28 poles female D-SUB receptacle - Tyco Amplimite P/N 5787082-3) db_37f (37 poles female D-SUB receptacle - Assmann P/N A-DF37A/KG-T2) db-50f (50 poles female D-SUB receptacle - Tyco Amplimite P/N 5787082-5) db-68f (68 poles female D-SUB receptacle - Tyco Amplimite P/N 5787082-7) db-100f (100 poles female D-SUB receptacle - Tyco Amplimite P/N 5787082-9) |
Hirose DF12 series connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
df12(3.0)-10ds-0.5v df12(3.0)-14dp-0.5v df12(3.0)-14ds-0.5v df12(3.0)-20dp-0.5v df12(3.0)-20ds-0.5v df12(3.0)-30dp-0.5v df12(3.0)-30ds-0.5v df12(3.0)-32dp-0.5v df12(3.0)-32ds-0.5v df12(3.0)-36dp-0.5v df12(3.0)-36ds-0.5v df12(3.0)-40dp-0.5v df12(3.0)-40ds-0.5v df12(3.0)-50dp-0.5v df12(3.0)-50ds-0.5v df12(3.0)-60dp-0.5v df12(3.0)-60ds-0.5v df12(3.0)-80dp-0.5v df12(3.0)-80ds-0.5v df12a(3.0)-10ds-0.5v df12a(3.0)-14ds-0.5v df12a(3.0)-20ds-0.5v df12a(3.0)-30ds-0.5v df12a(3.0)-32ds-0.5v df12a(3.0)-36ds-0.5v df12a(3.0)-40ds-0.5v df12a(3.0)-50ds-0.5v df12a(3.0)-60ds-0.5v df12a(3.0)-80ds-0.5v df12b(3.0)-10dp-0.5v df12b(3.0)-10ds-0.5v df12b(3.0)-14dp-0.5v df12b(3.0)-14ds-0.5v df12b(3.0)-20dp-0.5v df12b(3.0)-20ds-0.5v df12b(3.0)-30dp-0.5v df12b(3.0)-30ds-0.5v df12b(3.0)-32dp-0.5v df12b(3.0)-32ds-0.5v df12b(3.0)-36dp-0.5v df12b(3.0)-36ds-0.5v df12b(3.0)-40dp-0.5v df12b(3.0)-40ds-0.5v df12b(3.0)-50dp-0.5v df12b(3.0)-50ds-0.5v df12b(3.0)-60dp-0.5v df12b(3.0)-60ds-0.5v df12b(3.0)-80dp-0.5v df12b(3.0)-80ds-0.5v df12c(3.0)-10ds-0.5v df12c(3.0)-14ds-0.5v df12c(3.0)-20ds-0.5v df12c(3.0)-30ds-0.5v df12c(3.0)-32ds-0.5v df12c(3.0)-36ds-0.5v df12c(3.0)-40ds-0.5v df12c(3.0)-50ds-0.5v df12c(3.0)-60ds-0.5v df12c(3.0)-80ds-0.5v df12d(3.0)-10dp-0.5v df12d(3.0)-14dp-0.5v df12d(3.0)-20dp-0.5v df12d(3.0)-30dp-0.5v df12d(3.0)-32dp-0.5v df12d(3.0)-36dp-0.5v df12d(3.0)-40dp-0.5v df12d(3.0)-50dp-0.5v df12d(3.0)-60dp-0.5v df12d(3.0)-80dp-0.5v df12e(3.0)-10dp-0.5v df12e(3.0)-14dp-0.5v df12e(3.0)-20dp-0.5v df12e(3.0)-30dp-0.5v df12e(3.0)-32dp-0.5v df12e(3.0)-36dp-0.5v df12e(3.0)-40dp-0.5v df12e(3.0)-50dp-0.5v df12e(3.0)-60dp-0.5v df12e(3.0)-80dp-0.5v |
Hirose DF13 series connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
df13-3p-125ds df13-4p-125ds df13-5p-125ds df13-6p-125ds df13-7p-125ds df13-8p-125ds df13-9p-125ds df13-10p-125ds df13-11p-125ds df13-12p-125ds df13-14p-125ds df13-15p-125ds df13-2p-125dsa df13-3p-125dsa df13-4p-125dsa df13-5p-125dsa df13-6p-125dsa df13-7p-125dsa df13-8p-125dsa df13-9p-125dsa df13-10p-125dsa df13-11p-125dsa df13-12p-125dsa df13-13p-125dsa df13-14p-125dsa df13-15p-125dsa df13-2p-125h df13-3p-125h df13-4p-125h df13-5p-125h df13-6p-125h df13-7p-125h df13-8p-125h df13-9p-125h df13-10p-125h df13-11p-125h df13-12p-125h df13-14p-125h df13-15p-125h df13a-2p-125h df13a-3p-125h df13a-4p-125h df13a-5p-125h df13a-6p-125h df13a-7p-125h df13a-8p-125h df13a-9p-125h df13a-10p-125h df13a-11p-125h df13a-12p-125h df13a-14p-125h df13a-15p-125h df13a-10dp-125v df13a-20dp-125v df13a-30dp-125v df13a-40dp-125v df13c-2p-125v df13c-3p-125v df13c-4p-125v df13c-5p-125v df13c-6p-125v df13c-7p-125v df13c-8p-125v df13c-9p-125v df13c-10p-125v df13c-11p-125v df13c-12p-125v df13c-14p-125v df13c-15p-125v |
Hirose DF40 series connectors (24/04/2023) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
df40b-12ds-0.4v df40b-2.0-12ds-0.4v df40b-2.0-80ds-0.4v df40b-30ds-0.4v df40b-50ds-0.4v df40b-60ds-0.4v df40b-80ds-0.4v df40c-100dp-0.4v df40c-100ds-0.4v df40c-10dp-0.4v df40c-12dp-0.4v df40c-2.0-20ds-0.4v df40c-2.0-24ds-0.4v df40c-2.0-30ds-0.4v df40c-2.0-40ds-0.4v df40c-2.0-50ds-0.4v df40c-2.0-60ds-0.4v df40c-2.0-70ds-0.4v df40c-2.0-80ds-0.4v df40c-20dp-0.4v df40c-20ds-0.4v df40c-24dp-0.4v df40c-24ds-0.4v df40c-30dp-0.4v df40c-30ds-0.4v df40c-34dp-0.4v df40c-34ds-0.4v df40c-40dp-0.4v df40c-40ds-0.4v df40c-44dp-0.4v df40c-50dp-0.4v df40c-50ds-0.4v df40c-60dp-0.4v df40c-60ds-0.4v df40c-70dp-0.4v df40c-70ds-0.4v df40c-80dp-0.4v df40c-80ds-0.4v df40c-90dp-0.4v df40c-90ds-0.4v df40hb-2.5-10ds-0.4v df40hb-4.0-50ds-0.4v df40hc-2.5-20ds-0.4v df40hc-2.5-40ds-0.4v df40hc-2.5-50ds-0.4v df40hc-2.5-60ds-0.4v df40hc-3.0-100ds-0.4v df40hc-3.0-30ds-0.4v df40hc-3.0-40ds-0.4v df40hc-3.0-44ds-0.4v df40hc-3.0-50ds-0.4v df40hc-3.0-60ds-0.4v df40hc-3.0-70ds-0.4v df40hc-3.0-80ds-0.4v df40hc-3.0-90ds-0.4v df40hc-3.5-20ds-0.4v df40hc-3.5-30ds-0.4v df40hc-3.5-40ds-0.4v df40hc-3.5-50ds-0.4v df40hc-3.5-60ds-0.4v df40hc-3.5-80ds-0.4v df40hc-4.0-50ds-0.4v df40hc-4.0-60ds-0.4v df40hc-4.0-80ds-0.4v df40hc-4.0-90ds-0.4v |
DIN 41612 connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
din32_f_90 din32_m din32_m_90 din64_f din64_f_90 din64_m din64_m_90 din96_f din96_f_90 din96_m din96_m_90 |
Samtec FTSH series connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
ftsh-103-01-l-dv ftsh-104-01-l-dv ftsh-105-01-l-dv ftsh-106-01-l-dv ftsh-107-01-l-dv ftsh-108-01-l-dv ftsh-109-01-l-dv ftsh-110-01-l-dv ftsh-111-01-l-dv ftsh-112-01-l-dv ftsh-113-01-l-dv ftsh-114-01-l-dv ftsh-115-01-l-dv ftsh-116-01-l-dv ftsh-117-01-l-dv ftsh-118-01-l-dv ftsh-119-01-l-dv ftsh-120-01-l-dv ftsh-121-01-l-dv ftsh-122-01-l-dv ftsh-123-01-l-dv ftsh-124-01-l-dv ftsh-125-01-l-dv ftsh-126-01-l-dv ftsh-127-01-l-dv ftsh-128-01-l-dv ftsh-129-01-l-dv ftsh-130-01-l-dv ftsh-131-01-l-dv ftsh-132-01-l-dv ftsh-133-01-l-dv ftsh-134-01-l-dv ftsh-135-01-l-dv ftsh-136-01-l-dv ftsh-137-01-l-dv ftsh-138-01-l-dv ftsh-139-01-l-dv ftsh-140-01-l-dv ftsh-141-01-l-dv ftsh-142-01-l-dv ftsh-143-01-l-dv ftsh-144-01-l-dv ftsh-145-01-l-dv ftsh-146-01-l-dv ftsh-147-01-l-dv ftsh-148-01-l-dv ftsh-149-01-l-dv ftsh-150-01-l-dv |
Samtec TSM series connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
samtec_tsm-102-01-x-sh samtec_tsm-103-01-x-sh-a samtec_tsm-103-01-x-sh samtec_tsm-104-01-x-sh-a samtec_tsm-104-01-x-sh |
Phoenix Contact GMKDS series connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
gmkds_3/3-7,62 (3-way 7.62mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MKDS series) |
JST PH series connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
b3b-ph-kl b4b-ph-kl b5b-ph-kl b6b-ph-kl b7b-ph-kl b8b-ph-kl b9b-ph-kl b10b-ph-kl b11b-ph-kl b12b-ph-kl b13b-ph-kl b14b-ph-kl b15b-ph-kl b16b-ph-kl s2b-ph-kl s2b-ph-sm4-tb s3b-ph-kl s3b-ph-sm4-tb s4b-ph-kl s4b-ph-sm4-tb s5b-ph-kl s5b-ph-sm4-tb s6b-ph-kl s6b-ph-sm4-tb s7b-ph-kl s7b-ph-sm4-tb s8b-ph-kl s8b-ph-sm4-tb s9b-ph-kl s9b-ph-sm4-tb s10b-ph-kl s10b-ph-sm4-tb s11b-ph-kl s11b-ph-sm4-tb s12b-ph-kl s12b-ph-sm4-tb s13b-ph-kl s13b-ph-sm4-tb s14b-ph-kl s14b-ph-sm4-tb s15b-ph-kl s15b-ph-sm4-tb s16b-ph-kl |
Molex KK100 series connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
kk100_22-23-2031 kk100_22-23-2041 kk100_22-23-2051 kk100_22-23-2061 kk100_22-23-2071 kk100_22-23-2081 kk100_22-23-2091 kk100_22-23-2101 kk100_22-23-2111 kk100_22-23-2121 kk100_22-23-2131 kk100_22-23-2141 kk100_22-23-2151 kk100_22-23-2161 kk100_22-23-2171 kk100_22-23-2181 kk100_22-23-2191 kk100_22-23-2201 kk100_22-23-2211 kk100_22-23-2221 kk100_22-23-2231 kk100_22-23-2241 kk100_22-23-2251 kk100_22-23-2261 kk100_22-23-2271 kk100_22-23-2281 |
Molex KK156 series connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
kk156_26-60-4030 kk156_26-60-4040 kk156_26-60-4050 kk156_26-60-4060 kk156_26-60-4070 kk156_26-60-4080 kk156_26-60-4090 kk156_26-60-4100 kk156_26-60-4110 kk156_26-60-4120 kk156_26-60-4130 kk156_26-60-4140 kk156_26-60-4150 kk156_26-60-4160 kk156_26-60-4170 kk156_26-60-4180 kk156_26-64-4020 kk156_26-64-4030 kk156_26-64-4040 kk156_26-64-4050 kk156_26-64-4060 kk156_26-64-4070 kk156_26-64-4080 kk156_26-64-4090 kk156_26-64-4100 kk156_26-64-4110 kk156_26-64-4120 |
Phoenix Contact MC series connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
mc_1,5-3-g-3,81 mc_1,5-4-g-3,81 mc_1,5-5-g-3,81 mc_1,5-6-g-3,81 mc_1,5-7-g-3,81 mc_1,5-8-g-3,81 mc_1,5-9-g-3,81 mc_1,5-10-g-3,81 mc_1,5-11-g-3,81 mc_1,5-12-g-3,81 mc_1,5-13-g-3,81 mc_1,5-14-g-3,81 mc_1,5-15-g-3,81 mc_1,5-16-g-3,81 mc_1,5-17-g-3,81 mc_1,5-18-g-3,81 mc_1,5-19-g-3,81 mc_1,5-20-g-3,81 mc_1,5-2-gf-3,81 mc_1,5-3-gf-3,81 mc_1,5-4-gf-3,81 mc_1,5-5-gf-3,81 mc_1,5-6-gf-3,81 mc_1,5-7-gf-3,81 mc_1,5-8-gf-3,81 mc_1,5-9-gf-3,81 mc_1,5-10-gf-3,81 mc_1,5-11-gf-3,81 mc_1,5-12-gf-3,81 mc_1,5-13-gf-3,81 mc_1,5-14-gf-3,81 mc_1,5-15-gf-3,81 mc_1,5-16-gf-3,81 mc_1,5-17-gf-3,81 mc_1,5-18-gf-3,81 mc_1,5-19-gf-3,81 mc_1,5-20-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-2-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-3-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-4-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-5-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-6-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-7-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-8-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-9-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-10-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-11-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-12-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-13-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-14-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-15-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-16-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-17-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-18-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-19-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-20-g-3,81 mcv_1,5-2-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-3-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-4-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-5-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-6-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-7-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-8-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-9-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-10-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-11-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-12-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-13-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-14-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-15-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-16-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-17-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-18-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-19-gf-3,81 mcv_1,5-20-gf-3,81 smc_1,5-2-g-3,81 smc_1,5-3-g-3,81 smc_1,5-4-g-3,81 smc_1,5-5-g-3,81 smc_1,5-6-g-3,81 smc_1,5-7-g-3,81 smc_1,5-8-g-3,81 smc_1,5-9-g-3,81 smc_1,5-10-g-3,81 smc_1,5-11-g-3,81 smc_1,5-12-g-3,81 smc_1,5-13-g-3,81 smc_1,5-14-g-3,81 smc_1,5-15-g-3,81 smc_1,5-16-g-3,81 smc_1,5-2-gf-3,81 smc_1,5-3-gf-3,81 smc_1,5-4-gf-3,81 smc_1,5-5-gf-3,81 smc_1,5-6-gf-3,81 smc_1,5-7-gf-3,81 smc_1,5-8-gf-3,81 smc_1,5-9-gf-3,81 smc_1,5-10-gf-3,81 smc_1,5-11-gf-3,81 smc_1,5-12-gf-3,81 smc_1,5-13-gf-3,81 smc_1,5-14-gf-3,81 smc_1,5-15-gf-3,81 smc_1,5-16-gf-3,81 |
Various connectors (24/04/2023) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
6p4c-vert (RJ series connector, 6p4c, vertical) 6p6c (RJ series connector, 6p6c) 6p6c-vert (RJ series connector, 6p6c, vertical) 8p8c (RJ series connector, 8p8c) arduino_header (footprint for the Arduino board) arduino_mega_header (footprint for the Arduino Mega/Due board) arduino_nano_header (footprint for the Arduino Nano board) arduino_pin_socket_8 (8 pin socket for Arduino shields) dc_socket (standard DC power jack) dc_socket_pj-002bh-smt-tr (SMD Socket, DC power supply, CUI PJ-002BH-SMT-TR) dc_socket_rh (Standard DC power jack, multiple round holes) microsd_socket (MicroSD Card socket, Molex P/N 502774-0811) molex_6p6c (RJ11 6p6c socket, Molex P/N 95009-7667) sd_socket (SD Card socket, 4UCOMP P/N 19607) stm32f0_discovery_header (footprint for the STM32 F0 Discovery board) stm32f3_discovery_header (footprint for the STM32 F3 Discovery board) stm32f4_discovery_header (footprint for the STM32 F4 Discovery board) stm32vl_discovery_header (footprint for the STM32 VL Discovery board) ti_launchxl-f2837xd_header (footprint for the TI LaunchXL F2837xD board) wago_2060-451 (Wago 2061-451 poke-in connector) |
Phoenix Contact MKDS series connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
mkds_1,5/3 (3-way 5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MKDS series) mkds_1,5/4 (4-way 5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MKDS series) mkds_1,5/5 (5-way 5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MKDS series) mkds_1,5/6 (6-way 5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MKDS series) mkds_1,5/7 (7-way 5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MKDS series) mkds_1,5/8 (8-way 5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MKDS series) mkds_1,5/9 (9-way 5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MKDS series) mkds_1,5/10 (10-way 5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MKDS series) mkds_1,5/11 (11-way 5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MKDS series) mkds_1,5/12 (12-way 5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MKDS series) mkds_1,5/13 (13-way 5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MKDS series) mkds_1,5/14 (14-way 5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MKDS series) mkds_1,5/15 (15-way 5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MKDS series) mkds_1,5/16 (16-way 5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MKDS series) |
AMP MODU series connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
amp-modu-4 amp-modu-6 amp-modu-8 amp-modu-9 amp-modu-10 amp-modu-12 amp-modu-15 amp-modu-22 amp-modu-2-90 amp-modu-4-90 amp-modu-6-90 amp-modu-8-90 amp-modu-9-90 amp-modu-10-90 amp-modu-12-90 amp-modu-15-90 amp-modu-22-90 amp-modu-2x4 amp-modu-2x8 amp-modu-2x9 amp-modu-2x12 amp-modu-2x15 amp-modu-2x18 amp-modu-2x22 amp-modu-2x4-90 amp-modu-2x5-90 amp-modu-2x6-90 amp-modu-2x8-90 amp-modu-2x9-90 amp-modu-2x12-90 amp-modu-2x15-90 amp-modu-2x18-90 amp-modu-2x22-90 |
Phoenix Contact MPT series connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
mpt_0,5/3-2,54 (3-way 2.54mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MPT series) mpt_0,5/4-2,54 (4-way 2.54mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MPT series) mpt_0,5/5-2,54 (5-way 2.54mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MPT series) mpt_0,5/6-2,54 (6-way 2.54mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MPT series) mpt_0,5/7-2,54 (7-way 2.54mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MPT series) mpt_0,5/8-2,54 (8-way 2.54mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MPT series) mpt_0,5/9-2,54 (9-way 2.54mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MPT series) mpt_0,5/10-2,54 (10-way 2.54mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MPT series) mpt_0,5/11-2,54 (11-way 2.54mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MPT series) mpt_0,5/12-2,54 (12-way 2.54mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix MPT series) |
Phoenix Contact MSTB series connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
mstba 2,5-3-g-5,08 (3-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBA 2,5/3-G-5,08) mstba 2,5-4-g-5,08 (4-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBA 2,5/4-G-5,08) mstba 2,5-5-g-5,08 (5-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBA 2,5/5-G-5,08) mstba 2,5-6-g-5,08 (6-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBA 2,5/6-G-5,08) mstba 2,5-7-g-5,08 (7-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBA 2,5/7-G-5,08) mstba 2,5-8-g-5,08 (8-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBA 2,5/8-G-5,08) mstba 2,5-9-g-5,08 (9-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBA 2,5/9-G-5,08) mstba 2,5-10-g-5,08 (10-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBA 2,5/10-G-5,08) mstba 2,5-11-g-5,08 (11-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBA 2,5/11-G-5,08) mstba 2,5-12-g-5,08 (12-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBA 2,5/12-G-5,08) mstbva 2,5-2-g-5,08 (2-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBVA 2,5/2-G-5,08) mstbva 2,5-3-g-5,08 (3-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBVA 2,5/3-G-5,08) mstbva 2,5-4-g-5,08 (4-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBVA 2,5/4-G-5,08) mstbva 2,5-5-g-5,08 (5-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBVA 2,5/5-G-5,08) mstbva 2,5-6-g-5,08 (6-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBVA 2,5/6-G-5,08) mstbva 2,5-7-g-5,08 (7-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBVA 2,5/7-G-5,08) mstbva 2,5-8-g-5,08 (8-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBVA 2,5/8-G-5,08) mstbva 2,5-9-g-5,08 (9-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBVA 2,5/9-G-5,08) mstbva 2,5-10-g-5,08 (10-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBVA 2,5/10-G-5,08) mstbva 2,5-11-g-5,08 (11-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBVA 2,5/11-G-5,08) mstbva 2,5-12-g-5,08 (12-way terminal block socket, Phoenix MSTBVA 2,5/12-G-5,08) |
Molex PanelMate series connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
panelmate_smd_3 (3-way Molex PanelMate connector) panelmate_smd_4 (4-way Molex PanelMate connector) panelmate_smd_5 (5-way Molex PanelMate connector) panelmate_smd_6 (6-way Molex PanelMate connector) panelmate_smd_7 (7-way Molex PanelMate connector) panelmate_smd_8 (8-way Molex PanelMate connector) panelmate_smd_9 (9-way Molex PanelMate connector) panelmate_smd_10 (10-way Molex PanelMate connector) panelmate_smd_12 (12-way Molex PanelMate connector) panelmate_smd_14 (14-way Molex PanelMate connector) panelmate_smd_15 (15-way Molex PanelMate connector) panelmate_smd_18 (18-way Molex PanelMate connector) panelmate_smd_20 (20-way Molex PanelMate connector) panelmate_smd_30 (30-way Molex PanelMate connector) |
ITC various connectors (24/04/2023) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
conn_hdd_15-24-4449 (5.08mm Disk drive power connector, Molex P/N 15-24-4449) conn_usb_a (USB A-type receptacle - Tyco P/N 292303-3) conn_usb_ax2 (USB double A-type receptacle - Tyco P/N 5787617-3) conn_usb_a-vert (USB A-type vertical receptacle - Tyco P/N 440260-2) conn_usb_a-vert2 (USB A-type vertical receptacle - Lumberg P/N 2410-01) conn_usb_b (USB B-type receptacle - Lumberg P/N 2411-02) conn_usb_b-vert (USB B-type vertical receptacle - Molex series 67265) conn_usb_b_micro_smd (micro USB B-type SMD receptacle - Molex P/N 47346-0001) conn_usb_b_micro_smd-2 (micro USB B-type SMD receptacle with retention pins) conn_usb_b_micro_smd-3 (micro USB B-type SMD receptacle with retention pins) conn_usb_b_mini_smd (mini USB B-type SMD receptacle) db-15-vga (15 poles D-SUB video receptacle - Tyco P/N 440467-1) dvi (DVI-I receptacle, Tyco P/N 1-1734147-1) pci-x_conn-x1 (PCI-X 1x card edge connector, FCI P/N 10018783-10x00x) pci-x_conn-x4 (PCI-X 4x card edge connector, FCI P/N 10018783-10x01x) pci-x_conn-x8 (PCI-X 8x card edge connector, FCI P/N 10018783-10x02x) pci-x_conn-x16 (PCI-X 16x card edge connector, FCI P/N 10018783-10x03x) pci_conn (PCI card edge connector, Molex P/N 48200-60xx) rj45_amphenol-rje741881410a (RJ45 unshielded connector, Amphenol P/N RJE741881410A) rj45-noshield (RJ45 unshielded connector) rj45-shield (RJ45 shielded connector) rj45-tyco-2-406549-7 (RJ45 connector with LEDs - Tyco P/N 2-406549-7) rj45-tyco-5-6605758-4 (RJ45 connector with LEDs - Tyco P/N 5-6605758-4) rj45-wiznet-rb1-125bag1a (RJ45 connector with LEDs - Wiznet P/N RB1-125BAG1A) rj45-wurth-61500814221 (RJ45 connector with LEDs, 10/100BaseT mag - Wurth P/N 61500814221) rj45_wurth-7499010211a (RJ45 connector with LEDs, 10/100BaseT mag - Wurth P/N 7499010211A) rj45_wurth-7499211122a (RJ45 connector with LEDs, 10/100BaseT mag + PoE - Wurth P/N 7499211122A) |
Phoenix Contact PT-1,5 series connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
pt_1,5/3-3,5-h (3-way 3.5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix PT-1,5 series) pt_1,5/4-3,5-h (4-way 3.5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix PT-1,5 series) pt_1,5/5-3,5-h (5-way 3.5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix PT-1,5 series) pt_1,5/6-3,5-h (6-way 3.5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix PT-1,5 series) pt_1,5/7-3,5-h (7-way 3.5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix PT-1,5 series) pt_1,5/8-3,5-h (8-way 3.5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix PT-1,5 series) pt_1,5/9-3,5-h (9-way 3.5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix PT-1,5 series) pt_1,5/10-3,5-h (10-way 3.5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix PT-1,5 series) pt_1,5/11-3,5-h (11-way 3.5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix PT-1,5 series) pt_1,5/12-3,5-h (12-way 3.5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix PT-1,5 series) pt_1,5/13-3,5-h (13-way 3.5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix PT-1,5 series) pt_1,5/14-3,5-h (14-way 3.5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix PT-1,5 series) pt_1,5/15-3,5-h (15-way 3.5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix PT-1,5 series) pt_1,5/16-3,5-h (16-way 3.5mm pitch terminal block, Phoenix PT-1,5 series) |
Wurth RedCube series press-fit connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
redcube_7460211+7461082 redcube_7460211+7461123 redcube_7460211+7461124 redcube_7460211+7461126 redcube_7460211+7461127 redcube_7460305 redcube_7460307 redcube_7460408 redcube_7460553 redcube_7460719 redcube_7461001 redcube_7461057 redcube_7461058 redcube_7461059 redcube_7461060 redcube_7461061 redcube_7461062 redcube_7461063 redcube_7461064 redcube_7461066 redcube_7461067 redcube_7461068 redcube_7461070+7461073 redcube_7461070+7461118 redcube_7461070+7461119 redcube_7461070+7461120 redcube_7461070+7461121 redcube_7461070+7461122 redcube_7461071+7461074 redcube_7461071+7461082 redcube_7461071+7461123 redcube_7461071+7461124 redcube_7461071+7461126 redcube_7461071+7461127 redcube_7461084 redcube_7461086 redcube_7461090 redcube_7461093 redcube_7461094 redcube_7461095 redcube_7461096 redcube_7461097 redcube_7461098 redcube_7461099 redcube_7461100 redcube_7461101 redcube_7461102 redcube_7461103 redcube_7461104 redcube_7461106 redcube_7461107 redcube_7461108 redcube_7461110 redcube_7461111 redcube_7461112 redcube_7461113 redcube_7461114 redcube_7461115 redcube_7461117 redcube_7461147 redcube_7461148 redcube_7461166+7461075 redcube_7461166+7461128 redcube_7461166+7461129 redcube_7461383 redcube_7462095+7462096 redcube_7462095+7462097 redcube_7462095+7462098 redcube_7462810 redcube_7464000 redcube_7464100 redcube_74610704+7461073 redcube_74610704+7461118 redcube_74610704+7461119 redcube_74610704+7461120 redcube_74610704+7461121 redcube_74610704+7461122 |
RF connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
bnc_straight_1-1337541-0 (BNC connector, straight, Tyco P/N 1-1337541-0) coaxial_u.fl-r-smt-1 (Ultra small surface mount coaxial connector, Hirose P/N U.FL-R-SMT-1) lemo_epb00250ntn (LEMO connector, P/N EPB.00.250.NTN) sma_90_r300.124.403 (SMA female connector, reverse polarity, right angle, Radiall P/N R300.124.403) sma_smd_73251-135x (SMA SMD female connector, straight, Molex P/N 73251-135x) sma_straight_32k101-400l5 (SMA female connector, straight, Rosenberger 32K101-400L5) |
Screw connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
mors_3p (3-way terminal block) mors_4p (4-way terminal block) mors_5p (5-way terminal block) mors_6p (6-way terminal block) mors_7p (7-way terminal block) mors_8p (8-way terminal block) mors_9p (9-way terminal block) mors_10p (10-way terminal block) mors_11p (11-way terminal block) mors_12p (12-way terminal block) mors_13p (13-way terminal block) mors_14p (14-way terminal block) mors_15p (15-way terminal block) mors_16p (16-way terminal block) mors_17p (17-way terminal block) mors_18p (18-way terminal block) mors_19p (19-way terminal block) mors_20p (20-way terminal block) |
Box header connectors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
vasch_strip_4x2 (box header connector, 8 pin) vasch_strip_5x2 (box header connector, 10 pin) vasch_strip_6x2 (box header connector, 12 pin) vasch_strip_7x2 (box header connector, 14 pin) vasch_strip_8x2 (box header connector, 16 pin) vasch_strip_9x2 (box header connector, 18 pin) vasch_strip_10x2 (box header connector, 20 pin) vasch_strip_12x2 (box header connector, 24 pin) vasch_strip_13x2 (box header connector, 26 pin) vasch_strip_15x2 (box header connector, 30 pin) vasch_strip_16x2 (box header connector, 32 pin) vasch_strip_17x2 (box header connector, 34 pin) vasch_strip_18x2 (box header connector, 36 pin) vasch_strip_20x2 (box header connector, 40 pin) vasch_strip_25x2 (box header connector, 50 pin) vasch_strip_30x2 (box header connector, 60 pin) vasch_strip_32x2 (box header connector, 64 pin) vasch_strip_3x2_90 (90° box header connector, 6 pin) vasch_strip_4x2_90 (90° box header connector, 8 pin) vasch_strip_5x2_90 (90° box header connector, 10 pin) vasch_strip_6x2_90 (90° box header connector, 12 pin) vasch_strip_7x2_90 (90° box header connector, 14 pin) vasch_strip_8x2_90 (90° box header connector, 16 pin) vasch_strip_9x2_90 (90° box header connector, 18 pin) vasch_strip_10x2_90 (90° box header connector, 20 pin) vasch_strip_12x2_90 (90° box header connector, 24 pin) vasch_strip_13x2_90 (90° box header connector, 26 pin) vasch_strip_15x2_90 (90° box header connector, 30 pin) vasch_strip_16x2_90 (90° box header connector, 32 pin) vasch_strip_17x2_90 (90° box header connector, 34 pin) vasch_strip_18x2_90 (90° box header connector, 36 pin) vasch_strip_20x2_90 (90° box header connector, 40 pin) vasch_strip_25x2_90 (90° box header connector, 50 pin) vasch_strip_30x2_90 (90° box header connector, 60 pin) vasch_strip_32x2_90 (90° box header connector, 64 pin) |
Crystals, resonators etc... (24/04/2023) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
crystal_hc-49/smd (HC-49 SMD crystal package) crystal_hc-49s (HC-49S crystal package) crystal_hc-49u (vertical HC-49U crystal package) crystal_hc-49u_horiz (horizontal HC-49U crystal package) crystal_smd_5x3.2mm (5x3.2mm SMD crystal) crystal_smd_5x3.2mm_4p (5x3.2mm 4-pin SMD crystal) crystal_smd_ma-406 (Epson MA-406 SMD crystal) crystal_smd_ma-505 (Epson MA-505 SMD crystal) crystal_smd_ma-506 (Epson MA-506 SMD crystal) crystal_tc-26 (vertical TC-26, 2x6mm crystal package) crystal_tc-26_horiz (horizontal TC-26, 2x6mm crystal package) crystal_tc-38 (vertical TC-38, 3x8mm crystal package) crystal_tc-38_horiz (horizontal TC-38, 3x8mm crystal package) crystal_xrcgb (Murata XRCGB SMD Crystal) resonator_awscr (Abracon AWSCR SMD Resonator) resonator_sip3 (SIP3 ceramic resonator) |
Mechanical details (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
4-way_bridge_0603 (4-way solder jumpers/0603 SMD resistors for settings) 6-way_bridge_0603 (6-way solder jumpers/0603 SMD resistors for settings) fiducial_075_300_round (fiducial mark, 0.75mm round pad + 3mm round solder clearance) fiducial_075_300_square (fiducial mark, 0.75mm round pad + 3mm square solder clearance) fiducial_100_200_round (fiducial mark, 1mm round pad + 2mm round solder clearance) fiducial_100_200_square (fiducial mark, 1mm round pad + 2mm square solder clearance) fiducial_100_300_round (fiducial mark, 1mm round pad + 3mm round solder clearance) fiducial_100_300_square (fiducial mark, 1mm round pad + 3mm square solder clearance) hole_1mm (thru hole dia=1mm) hole_1mm5 (thru hole dia=1.5mm) hole_2mm (thru hole dia=2mm) hole_2mm5 (thru hole dia=2.5mm) hole_3mm (thru hole dia=3mm) hole_3mm5 (thru hole dia=3.5mm) hole_4mm (thru hole dia=4mm) hole_4mm5 (thru hole dia=4.5mm) hole_5mm (thru hole dia=5mm) hole_5mm5 (thru hole dia=5.5mm) hole_6mm (thru hole dia=6mm) hole_6mm5 (thru hole dia=6.5mm) hole_7mm (thru hole dia=7mm) hole_7mm5 (thru hole dia=7.5mm) hole_8mm (thru hole dia=8mm) hole_8mm5 (thru hole dia=8.5mm) hole_9mm (thru hole dia=9mm) hole_9mm5 (thru hole dia=9.5mm) hole_10mm (thru hole dia=10mm) hs_11cw_to220 (11°C/W TO220 heatsink - Aavid extrusion 0S172 series) hs_14cw_to220 (14°C/W TO220 heatsink - Aavid extrusion 0S172 series) hs_5770 (Aavid 5770 type heatsink, 32°C/W) hs_5771 (Aavid 5771 type heatsink, 25.9°C/W) hs_5772 (Aavid 5772 type heatsink, 24.4°C/W) hs_5901 (Aavid 5901 type heatsink, 10°C/W) hs_5903 (Aavid 5903 type heatsink, 11.2°C/W) keystone_5016 (SMD test clip) pad_2mm (thru hole pad, dia=2mm) pad_2x3mm (smd pad, 2x3mm) pad_2x4mm (smd pad, 2x4mm) pad_2x5mm (smd pad, 2x5mm) pad_2x6mm (smd pad, 2x6mm) pad_3mm (thru hole pad, dia=3mm) testpoint_1mm (mono layer testpoint, dia=1mm) testpoint_1mm5 (mono layer testpoint, dia=1.5mm) testpoint_2mm (mono layer testpoint, dia=2mm) testpoint_2mm5 (mono layer testpoint, dia=2.5mm) via_1mm (thru hole pad, dia=1mm) vite_2mm5 (2,5mm screw with 5mm head) |
LEDs, displays and indicators (21/09/2022) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
7segdisp_acda02 (dual SMD 7seg display, Kingbright ACDA02 series) 7segdisp_hdsp (high density 7seg display, HDSP series) 7segdisp_sa05 (7seg display, Kingbright SA05 series) 7segdisp_sa50 (5" 7seg display, Kingbright SA50 series) 7segdisp_sa52 (7seg display, Kingbright SA52 series) dotdisp_cmd557xx00 (7x5 dot-matrix display, US Electronics CMD-557x series) led_3mm_clear (3mm (T-1) clear LED) led_3mm_green (3mm (T-1) green LED) led_3mm_red (3mm (T-1) red LED) led_3mm_yellow (3mm (T-1) yellow LED) led_5mm_clear (5mm (T-1 3/4) clear LED) led_5mm_green (5mm (T-1 3/4) green LED) led_5mm_red (5mm (T-1 3/4) red LED) led_5mm_yellow (5mm (T-1 3/4) yellow LED) led_10mm_clear (10mm (T-3) clear LED) led_10mm_green (10mm (T-3) green LED) led_10mm_red (10mm (T-3) red LED) led_10mm_yellow (10mm (T-3) yellow LED) lcd_16x2 (standard 16x2 LCD display with 0.4" spacers) lcd_16x2_mdls-16265 (LCD Module, 16x2, Varitronix MDLS-16265) lcd_16x2_nmtc-s16205dfyhsay (LCD Module, 16x2, Microtips NMTC-S16205DFYHSAY) lcd_20x4 (standard 20x4 LCD display with 0.4" spacers) lcd_g-128x64 (graphic 128x64 LCD display with 0.4" spacers) |
Logo library (15/12/2021) - Footprints![]()
Logo_copper_CC-BY-NC-SA_10x3.6mm (CC BY-NC-SA logo, 10x3.6mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_CC-BY-SA_5x2mm (CC BY-SA logo, 5x2mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_CC-BY-SA_10x4.5mm (CC BY-NC-SA logo, 10x4.5mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_CE_5x3.6mm (CE logo, 5x3.6mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_CE_10x7.2mm (CE logo, 10x7.2mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_high_voltage_5x4.2mm (High voltage logo, 5x4.2mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_high_voltage_10x8.5mm (High voltage logo, 10x8.5mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_Lead-Free_5x5mm (Lead Free logo, 5x5mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_Lead-Free_10x10mm (Lead Free logo, 10x10mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_OSHW_6x6mm (Open Hardware Logo, 6x6mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_OSHW_12x13mm (Open Hardware Logo, 12x13mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_polarity_center_5x1.4mm (Polarity logo, positive center, 5x1.4mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_polarity_center_10x2.8mm (Polarity logo, positive center, 10x2.8mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_polarity_external_5x1.4mm (Polarity logo, negative center, 5x1.4mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_polarity_external_10x2.8mm (Polarity logo, negative center, 10x2.8mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_ROHS_5x2.8mm (ROHS logo, 5x2.8mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_ROHS_10x5.6mm (ROHS logo, 10x5.6mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_UR-C-US_5x2mm (UL Recognized C+US logo, 5x2mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_UR-C-US_10x4mm (UL Recognized C+US logo, 10x4mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_UR-C_5x2.5mm (UL Recognized C logo, 5x2.5mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_UR-C_10x4.5mm (UL Recognized C logo, 10x4.5mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_UR-US_5x2mm (UL Recognized US logo, 5x2mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_UR-US_10x4mm (UL Recognized US logo, 10x4mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_UR_5x3mm (UL Recognized logo, 5x3mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_UR_10x5.6mm (UL Recognized logo, 10x5.6mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_warning_5x4.2mm (Warning logo, 5x4.2mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_warning_10x8.5mm (Warning logo, 10x8.5mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_WEEE_3.4x5mm (WEEE logo, 3.4x5mm, front copper side) Logo_copper_WEEE_8x10mm (WEEE logo, 8x10mm, front copper side) Logo_silk_CC-BY-NC-SA_5x2mm (CC BY-NC-SA logo, 5x2mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_CC-BY-NC-SA_10x3.6mm (CC BY-NC-SA logo, 10x3.6mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_CC-BY-SA_5x2mm (CC BY-SA logo, 5x2mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_CC-BY-SA_10x4.5mm (CC BY-NC-SA logo, 10x4.5mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_CE_5x3.6mm (CE logo, 5x3.6mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_CE_10x7.2mm (CE logo, 10x7.2mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_high_voltage_5x4.2mm (High voltage logo, 5x4.2mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_high_voltage_10x8.5mm (High voltage logo, 10x8.5mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_Lead-Free_5x5mm (Lead Free logo, 5x5mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_Lead-Free_10x10mm (Lead Free logo, 10x10mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_OSHW_6x6mm (Open Hardware Logo, 6x6mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_OSHW_12x13mm (Open Hardware Logo, 12x13mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_polarity_center_5x1.4mm (Polarity logo, positive center, 5x1.4mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_polarity_center_10x2.8mm (Polarity logo, positive center, 10x2.8mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_polarity_external_5x1.4mm (Polarity logo, negative center, 5x1.4mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_polarity_external_10x2.8mm (Polarity logo, negative center, 10x2.8mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_ROHS_5x2.8mm (ROHS logo, 5x2.8mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_ROHS_10x5.6mm (ROHS logo, 10x5.6mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_UR-C-US_5x2mm (UL Recognized C+US logo, 5x2mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_UR-C-US_10x4mm (UL Recognized C+US logo, 10x4mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_UR-C_5x2.5mm (UL Recognized C logo, 5x2.5mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_UR-C_10x4.5mm (UL Recognized C logo, 10x4.5mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_UR-US_5x2mm (UL Recognized US logo, 5x2mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_UR-US_10x4mm (UL Recognized US logo, 10x4mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_UR_5x3mm (UL Recognized logo, 5x3mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_UR_10x5.6mm (UL Recognized logo, 10x5.6mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_warning_5x4.2mm (Warning logo, 5x4.2mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_warning_10x8.5mm (Warning logo, 10x8.5mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_WEEE_3.4x5mm (WEEE logo, 3.4x5mm, front silkscreen side) Logo_silk_WEEE_8x10mm (WEEE logo, 8x10mm, front silkscreen side) |
Various components (24/04/2023) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
buzzer_tmb (TMB buzzer) encoder_alps-ec12d (12mm rotary encoder with pushbutton, Alps EC12D) encoder_alps-ec12e (12mm rotary encoder, Alps EC12E) fuse_holder_4628 (Fuse holder, 5x20, Keystone 4628) fuse_holder_4628-nh (Fuse holder, 5x20, Keystone 4628 No Hole) fuse_holder_cq-200c (5x20 fuse holder, CQ-200C) fuse_mf-sm100 (Polymeric PTC 1.1A Resettable Fuse) fuse_mf-sm185 (Polymeric PTC 1.8A Resettable Fuse) fuse_smf (Littelfuse SMF fuse holder) inductor_1400_24,4x14_p23,6 (Murata 1400 series power inductor, 24,4x14mm p23,6) inductor_1400_24,4x18,5_p23,5 (Murata 1400 series power inductor, 24,4x18,5mm p23,5) inductor_8mm-p5 (vertical inductor dia.8mm pitch 5mm) inductor_rfs1317 (CoilCraft RFS1317 series power inductor) p-duke_fed30 (P-Duke FED30 30W DC-DC converter) p-duke_fkc05 (P-Duke FKC05 5W DC-DC converter) p-duke_fkc12 (P-Duke FKC05 12W DC-DC converter) recom_roe (Recom ROE 1W DC-DC converter) trafo_ei38 (PCB transformer, EI 38 type) |
Various RF components (21/09/2022) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
antenna_flavus (Antenova Flavus GSM Snap-In antenna) antenna_rufa_a5839 (Antenova Rufa SMD antenna, A5839) antenna_rufa_a5887 (Antenova Rufa SMD antenna, A5887) balun_2450bm15 (Johanson Technology Balun-Filter for TI CC253X, CC254X, CC257X, CC853X, CC852X) |
PGA ICs(15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
CPGA-149 (Texas Instruments FYK) |
Standard pin strips 2.54mm (0.1") (24/04/2023) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
pin_socket_1-90 (90 deg. 1-way pin socket) pin_socket_1x2 (2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1x2-90 (90 deg. 1x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2 (2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2-90 (90 deg. 2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2x2 (2x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2x2-90 (90 deg. 2x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_3 (3-way pin socket) pin_socket_3-90 (90 deg. 3-way pin socket) pin_socket_3x2 (3x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_3x2-90 (90 deg. 3x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_4 (4-way pin socket) pin_socket_4-90 (90 deg. 4-way pin socket) pin_socket_4x2 (4x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_4x2-90 (90 deg. 4x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_5 (5-way pin socket) pin_socket_5-90 (90 deg. 5-way pin socket) pin_socket_5x2 (5x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_5x2-90 (90 deg. 5x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_6 (6-way pin socket) pin_socket_6-90 (90 deg. 6-way pin socket) pin_socket_6x2 (6x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_6x2-90 (90 deg. 6x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_7 (7-way pin socket) pin_socket_7-90 (90 deg. 7-way pin socket) pin_socket_7x2 (7x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_7x2-90 (90 deg. 7x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_8 (8-way pin socket) pin_socket_8-90 (90 deg. 8-way pin socket) pin_socket_8x2 (8x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_8x2-90 (90 deg. 8x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_9 (9-way pin socket) pin_socket_9-90 (90 deg. 9-way pin socket) pin_socket_9x2 (9x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_9x2-90 (90 deg. 9x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_10 (10-way pin socket) pin_socket_10-90 (90 deg. 10-way pin socket) pin_socket_10x2 (10x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_10x2-90 (90 deg. 10x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_11 (11-way pin socket) pin_socket_11-90 (90 deg. 11-way pin socket) pin_socket_11x2 (11x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_11x2-90 (90 deg. 11x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_12 (12-way pin socket) pin_socket_12-90 (90 deg. 12-way pin socket) pin_socket_12x2 (12x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_12x2-90 (90 deg. 12x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_13 (13-way pin socket) pin_socket_13-90 (90 deg. 13-way pin socket) pin_socket_13x2 (13x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_13x2-90 (90 deg. 13x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_14 (14-way pin socket) pin_socket_14-90 (90 deg. 14-way pin socket) pin_socket_14x2 (14x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_14x2-90 (90 deg. 14x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_15 (15-way pin socket) pin_socket_15-90 (90 deg. 15-way pin socket) pin_socket_15x2 (15x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_15x2-90 (90 deg. 15x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_16 (16-way pin socket) pin_socket_16-90 (90 deg. 16-way pin socket) pin_socket_16x2 (16x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_16x2-90 (90 deg. 16x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_17 (17-way pin socket) pin_socket_17-90 (90 deg. 17-way pin socket) pin_socket_17x2 (17x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_17x2-90 (90 deg. 17x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_18 (18-way pin socket) pin_socket_18-90 (90 deg. 18-way pin socket) pin_socket_18x2 (18x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_18x2-90 (90 deg. 18x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_19 (19-way pin socket) pin_socket_19-90 (90 deg. 19-way pin socket) pin_socket_19x2 (19x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_19x2-90 (90 deg. 19x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_20 (20-way pin socket) pin_socket_20-90 (90 deg. 20-way pin socket) pin_socket_20x2 (20x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_20x2-90 (90 deg. 20x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_21 (21-way pin socket) pin_socket_21-90 (90 deg. 21-way pin socket) pin_socket_22 (22-way pin socket) pin_socket_22-90 (90 deg. 22-way pin socket) pin_socket_23 (23-way pin socket) pin_socket_23-90 (90 deg. 23-way pin socket) pin_socket_24 (24-way pin socket) pin_socket_24-90 (90 deg. 24-way pin socket) pin_socket_25 (25-way pin socket) pin_socket_25-90 (90 deg. 25-way pin socket) pin_socket_26 (26-way pin socket) pin_socket_26-90 (90 deg. 26-way pin socket) pin_socket_27 (27-way pin socket) pin_socket_27-90 (90 deg. 27-way pin socket) pin_socket_28 (28-way pin socket) pin_socket_28-90 (90 deg. 28-way pin socket) pin_socket_29 (29-way pin socket) pin_socket_29-90 (90 deg. 29-way pin socket) pin_socket_30 (30-way pin socket) pin_socket_30-90 (90 deg. 30-way pin socket) pin_socket_31 (31-way pin socket) pin_socket_31-90 (90 deg. 31-way pin socket) pin_socket_32 (32-way pin socket) pin_socket_32-90 (90 deg. 32-way pin socket) pin_socket_33 (33-way pin socket) pin_socket_33-90 (90 deg. 33-way pin socket) pin_socket_34 (34-way pin socket) pin_socket_34-90 (90 deg. 34-way pin socket) pin_socket_35 (35-way pin socket) pin_socket_35-90 (90 deg. 35-way pin socket) pin_socket_36 (36-way pin socket) pin_socket_36-90 (90 deg. 36-way pin socket) pin_socket_37 (37-way pin socket) pin_socket_37-90 (90 deg. 37-way pin socket) pin_socket_38 (38-way pin socket) pin_socket_38-90 (90 deg. 38-way pin socket) pin_socket_39 (39-way pin socket) pin_socket_39-90 (90 deg. 39-way pin socket) pin_socket_40 (40-way pin socket) pin_socket_40-90 (90 deg. 40-way pin socket) pin_strip_1 (1-way pin strip) pin_strip_1x2 (1x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1-90 (90 deg. 1-way pin strip) pin_strip_1x2-90 (90 deg. 1x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2 (2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2-90 (90 deg. 2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2x2 (2x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2x2-90 (90 deg. 2x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_3 (3-way pin strip) pin_strip 3-90 (90 deg. 3-way pin strip) pin_strip_3x2 (2x3-way pin strip) pin_strip_3x2-90 (90 deg. 2x3-way pin strip) pin_strip_4 (4-way pin strip) pin_strip_4-90 (90 deg. 4-way pin strip) pin_strip_4x2 (2x4-way pin strip) pin_strip_4x2-90 (90 deg. 2x4-way pin strip) pin_strip_5 (5-way pin strip) pin_strip_5-90 (90 deg. 5-way pin strip) pin_strip_5x2 (2x5-way pin strip) pin_strip_5x2-90 (90 deg. 2x5-way pin strip) pin_strip_6 (6-way pin strip) pin_strip_6-90 (90 deg. 6-way pin strip) pin_strip_6x2 (2x6-way pin strip) pin_strip_6x2-90 (90 deg. 2x6-way pin strip) pin_strip_7 (7-way pin strip) pin_strip_7-90 (90 deg. 7-way pin strip) pin_strip_7x2 (2x7-way pin strip) pin_strip_7x2-90 (90 deg. 2x7-way pin strip) pin_strip_8 (8-way pin strip) pin_strip_8-90 (90 deg. 8-way pin strip) pin_strip_8x2 (2x8-way pin strip) pin_strip_8x2-90 (90 deg. 2x8-way pin strip) pin_strip_9 (9-way pin strip) pin_strip_9-90 (90 deg. 9-way pin strip) pin_strip_9x2 (2x9-way pin strip) pin_strip_9x2-90 (90 deg. 2x9-way pin strip) pin_strip_10 (10-way pin strip) pin_strip_10-90 (90 deg. 10-way pin strip) pin_strip_10x2 (2x10-way pin strip) pin_strip_10x2-90 (90 deg. 2x10-way pin strip) pin_strip_11 (11-way pin strip) pin_strip_11-90 (90 deg. 11-way pin strip) pin_strip_11x2 (2x11-way pin strip) pin_strip_11x2-90 (90 deg. 2x11-way pin strip) pin_strip_12 (12-way pin strip) pin_strip_12-90 (90 deg. 12-way pin strip) pin_strip_12x2 (2x12-way pin strip) pin_strip_12x2-90 (90 deg. 2x12-way pin strip) pin_strip_13 (13-way pin strip) pin_strip_13-90 (90 deg. 13-way pin strip) pin_strip_13x2 (2x13-way pin strip) pin_strip_13x2-90 (90 deg. 2x13-way pin strip) pin_strip_14 (14-way pin strip) pin_strip_14-90 (90 deg. 14-way pin strip) pin_strip_14x2 (2x14-way pin strip) pin_strip_14x2-90 (90 deg. 2x14-way pin strip) pin_strip_15 (15-way pin strip) pin_strip_15-90 (90 deg. 15-way pin strip) pin_strip_15x2 (2x15-way pin strip) pin_strip_15x2-90 (90 deg. 2x15-way pin strip) pin_strip_16 (16-way pin strip) pin_strip_16-90 (90 deg. 16-way pin strip) pin_strip_16x2 (2x16-way pin strip) pin_strip_16x2-90 (90 deg. 2x16-way pin strip) pin_strip_17 (17-way pin strip) pin_strip_17-90 (90 deg. 17-way pin strip) pin_strip_17x2 (2x17-way pin strip) pin_strip_17x2-90 (90 deg. 2x17-way pin strip) pin_strip_18 (18-way pin strip) pin_strip_18-90 (90 deg. 18-way pin strip) pin_strip_18x2 (2x18-way pin strip) pin_strip_18x2-90 (90 deg. 2x18-way pin strip) pin_strip_19 (19-way pin strip) pin_strip_19-90 (90 deg. 19-way pin strip) pin_strip_19x2 (2x19-way pin strip) pin_strip_19x2-90 (90 deg. 2x19-way pin strip) pin_strip_20 (20-way pin strip) pin_strip_20-90 (90 deg. 20-way pin strip) pin_strip_20x2 (2x20-way pin strip) pin_strip_20x2-90 (90 deg. 2x20-way pin strip) pin_strip_21 (21-way pin strip) pin_strip_21-90 (90 deg. 21-way pin strip) pin_strip_22 (22-way pin strip) pin_strip_22-90 (90 deg. 22-way pin strip) pin_strip_23 (23-way pin strip) pin_strip_23-90 (90 deg. 23-way pin strip) pin_strip_24 (24-way pin strip) pin_strip_24-90 (90 deg. 24-way pin strip) pin_strip_25 (25-way pin strip) pin_strip_25-90 (90 deg. 25-way pin strip) pin_strip_25x2 (2x25-way pin strip) pin_strip_26 (26-way pin strip) pin_strip_26-90 (90 deg. 26-way pin strip) pin_strip_27 (27-way pin strip) pin_strip_27-90 (90 deg. 27-way pin strip) pin_strip_28 (28-way pin strip) pin_strip_28-90 (90 deg. 28-way pin strip) pin_strip_29 (29-way pin strip) pin_strip_29-90 (90 deg. 29-way pin strip) pin_strip_30 (30-way pin strip) pin_strip_30-90 (90 deg. 30-way pin strip) pin_strip_31 (31-way pin strip) pin_strip_31-90 (90 deg. 31-way pin strip) pin_strip_32 (32-way pin strip) pin_strip_32-90 (90 deg. 32-way pin strip) pin_strip_33 (33-way pin strip) pin_strip_33-90 (90 deg. 33-way pin strip) pin_strip_34 (34-way pin strip) pin_strip_34-90 (90 deg. 34-way pin strip) pin_strip_35 (35-way pin strip) pin_strip_35-90 (90 deg. 35-way pin strip) pin_strip_36 (36-way pin strip) pin_strip_36-90 (90 deg. 36-way pin strip) pin_strip_37 (37-way pin strip) pin_strip_37-90 (90 deg. 37-way pin strip) pin_strip_38 (38-way pin strip) pin_strip_38-90 (90 deg. 38-way pin strip) pin_strip_39 (39-way pin strip) pin_strip_39-90 (90 deg. 39-way pin strip) pin_strip_40 (40-way pin strip) pin_strip_40-90 (90 deg. 40-way pin strip) |
Standard pin strips 2.00mm (0.08") (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
pin_socket_2mm_2 (2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_2x2 (2x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_3 (3-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_3x2 (3x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_4 (4-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_4x2 (4x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_5 (5-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_5x2 (5x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_6 (6-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_6x2 (6x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_7 (7-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_7x2 (7x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_8 (8-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_8x2 (8x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_9 (9-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_9x2 (9x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_10 (10-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_10x2 (10x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_11 (11-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_11x2 (11x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_12 (12-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_12x2 (12x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_13 (13-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_13x2 (13x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_14 (14-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_14x2 (14x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_15 (15-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_15x2 (15x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_16 (16-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_16x2 (16x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_17 (17-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_17x2 (17x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_18 (18-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_18x2 (18x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_19 (19-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_19x2 (19x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_20 (20-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_20x2 (20x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_21 (21-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_21x2 (21x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_22 (22-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_22x2 (22x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_23 (23-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_23x2 (23x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_24 (24-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_24x2 (24x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_25 (25-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_25x2 (25x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_26 (26-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_26x2 (26x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_27 (27-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_27x2 (27x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_28 (28-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_28x2 (28x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_29 (29-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_29x2 (29x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_30 (30-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_30x2 (30x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_31 (31-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_31x2 (31x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_32 (32-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_32x2 (32x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_33 (33-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_33x2 (33x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_34 (34-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_34x2 (34x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_35 (35-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_35x2 (35x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_36 (36-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_36x2 (36x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_37 (37-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_37x2 (37x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_38 (38-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_38x2 (38x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_39 (39-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_39x2 (39x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_40 (40-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_40x2 (40x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_41 (41-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_41x2 (41x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_42 (42-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_42x2 (42x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_43 (43-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_43x2 (43x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_44 (44-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_44x2 (44x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_45 (45-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_45x2 (45x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_46 (46-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_46x2 (46x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_47 (47-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_47x2 (47x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_48 (48-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_48x2 (48x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_49 (49-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_49x2 (49x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_50 (50-way pin socket) pin_socket_2mm_50x2 (50x2-way pin socket) pin_strip_2mm_1 (1-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_2 (2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_2x2 (2x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_3 (3-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_3x2 (3x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_4 (4-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_4x2 (4x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_5 (5-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_5x2 (5x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_6 (6-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_6x2 (6x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_7 (7-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_7x2 (7x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_8 (8-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_8x2 (8x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_9 (9-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_9x2 (9x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_10 (10-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_10x2 (10x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_11 (11-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_11x2 (11x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_12 (12-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_12x2 (12x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_13 (13-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_13x2 (13x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_14 (14-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_14x2 (14x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_15 (15-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_15x2 (15x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_16 (16-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_16x2 (16x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_17 (17-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_17x2 (17x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_18 (18-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_18x2 (18x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_19 (19-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_19x2 (19x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_20 (20-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_20x2 (20x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_21 (21-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_21x2 (21x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_22 (22-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_22x2 (22x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_23 (23-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_23x2 (23x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_24 (24-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_24x2 (24x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_25 (25-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_25x2 (25x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_26 (26-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_26x2 (26x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_27 (27-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_27x2 (27x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_28 (28-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_28x2 (28x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_29 (29-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_29x2 (29x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_30 (30-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_30x2 (30x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_31 (31-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_31x2 (31x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_32 (32-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_32x2 (32x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_33 (33-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_33x2 (33x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_34 (34-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_34x2 (34x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_35 (35-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_35x2 (35x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_36 (36-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_36x2 (36x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_37 (37-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_37x2 (37x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_38 (38-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_38x2 (38x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_39 (39-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_39x2 (39x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_40 (40-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_40x2 (40x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_41 (41-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_41x2 (41x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_42 (42-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_42x2 (42x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_43 (43-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_43x2 (43x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_44 (44-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_44x2 (44x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_45 (45-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_45x2 (45x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_46 (46-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_46x2 (46x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_47 (47-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_47x2 (47x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_48 (48-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_48x2 (48x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_49 (49-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_49x2 (49x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_50 (50-way pin strip) pin_strip_2mm_50x2 (50x2-way pin strip) |
Standard pin strips 1.27mm (0.05") (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
pin_socket_1.27mm_1x2 (1x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_2 (2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_2x2 (2x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_3 (3-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_3x2 (3x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_4 (4-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_4x2 (4x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_5 (5-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_5x2 (5x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_6 (6-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_6x2 (6x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_7 (7-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_7x2 (7x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_8 (8-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_8x2 (8x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_9 (9-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_9x2 (9x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_10 (10-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_10x2 (10x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_11 (11-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_11x2 (11x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_12 (12-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_12x2 (12x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_13 (13-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_13x2 (13x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_14 (14-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_14x2 (14x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_15 (15-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_15x2 (15x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_16 (16-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_16x2 (16x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_17 (17-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_17x2 (17x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_18 (18-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_18x2 (18x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_19 (19-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_19x2 (19x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_20 (20-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_20x2 (20x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_21 (21-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_21x2 (21x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_22 (22-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_22x2 (22x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_23 (23-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_23x2 (23x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_24 (24-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_24x2 (24x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_25 (25-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_25x2 (25x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_26 (26-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_26x2 (26x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_27 (27-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_27x2 (27x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_28 (28-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_28x2 (28x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_29 (29-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_29x2 (29x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_30 (30-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_30x2 (30x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_31 (31-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_31x2 (31x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_32 (32-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_32x2 (32x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_33 (33-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_33x2 (33x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_34 (34-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_34x2 (34x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_35 (35-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_35x2 (35x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_36 (36-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_36x2 (36x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_37 (37-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_37x2 (37x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_38 (38-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_38x2 (38x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_39 (39-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_39x2 (39x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_40 (40-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_40x2 (40x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_41 (41-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_41x2 (41x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_42 (42-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_42x2 (42x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_43 (43-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_43x2 (43x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_44 (44-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_44x2 (44x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_45 (45-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_45x2 (45x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_46 (46-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_46x2 (46x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_47 (47-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_47x2 (47x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_48 (48-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_48x2 (48x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_49 (49-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_49x2 (49x2-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_50 (50-way pin socket) pin_socket_1.27mm_50x2 (50x2-way pin socket) pin_strip_1.27mm_1 (1-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_1x2 (1x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_2 (2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_2x2 (2x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_3 (3-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_3x2 (3x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_4 (4-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_4x2 (4x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_5 (5-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_5x2 (5x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_6 (6-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_6x2 (6x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_7 (7-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_7x2 (7x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_8 (8-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_8x2 (8x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_9 (9-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_9x2 (9x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_10 (10-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_10x2 (10x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_11 (11-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_11x2 (11x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_12 (12-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_12x2 (12x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_13 (13-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_13x2 (13x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_14 (14-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_14x2 (14x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_15 (15-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_15x2 (15x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_16 (16-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_16x2 (16x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_17 (17-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_17x2 (17x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_18 (18-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_18x2 (18x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_19 (19-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_19x2 (19x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_20 (20-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_20x2 (20x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_21 (21-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_21x2 (21x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_22 (22-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_22x2 (22x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_23 (23-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_23x2 (23x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_24 (24-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_24x2 (24x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_25 (25-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_25x2 (25x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_26 (26-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_26x2 (26x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_27 (27-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_27x2 (27x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_28 (28-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_28x2 (28x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_29 (29-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_29x2 (29x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_30 (30-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_30x2 (30x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_31 (31-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_31x2 (31x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_32 (32-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_32x2 (32x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_33 (33-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_33x2 (33x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_34 (34-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_34x2 (34x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_35 (35-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_35x2 (35x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_36 (36-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_36x2 (36x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_37 (37-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_37x2 (37x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_38 (38-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_38x2 (38x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_39 (39-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_39x2 (39x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_40 (40-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_40x2 (40x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_41 (41-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_41x2 (41x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_42 (42-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_42x2 (42x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_43 (43-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_43x2 (43x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_44 (44-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_44x2 (44x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_45 (45-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_45x2 (45x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_46 (46-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_46x2 (46x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_47 (47-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_47x2 (47x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_48 (48-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_48x2 (48x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_49 (49-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_49x2 (49x2-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_50 (50-way pin strip) pin_strip_1.27mm_50x2 (50x2-way pin strip) |
PTH ICs (21/09/2022) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
dcdc_dil8 (DC/DC converter, DIL8 package) dcdc_sil (DC/DC converter, SIL7(2+3) package) dcdc_sil4 (DC/DC converter, SIL4 package) dcdc_sil7(2+4) (DC/DC converter, SIL7(2+4) package) dil_4-300 (dil4x0.3' IC) dil_6-300 (dil6x0.3' IC) dil_6-300_socket (dil6x0.3' IC with socket) dil_8-300 (dil8x0.3' IC) dil_8-300_socket (dil8x0.3' IC with socket) dil_8-400 (dil8x0.4' IC) dil_8-400_socket (dil8x0.4' IC with socket) dil_14-300 (dil14x0.3' IC) dil_14-300_socket (dil14x0.3' IC with socket) dil_16-300 (dil16x0.3' IC) dil_16-300_socket (dil16x0.3' IC with socket) dil_18-300 (dil18x0.3' IC) dil_18-300_cl (dil18x0,3" IC with cooling Lugs) dil_18-300_socket (dil18x0.3' IC with socket) dil_20-300 (dil20x0.3' IC) dil_20-300_socket (dil20x0.3' IC with socket) dil_22-300 (dil22x0.3' IC) dil_22-300_socket (dil22x0.3' IC with socket) dil_24-300 (dil24x0.3' IC) dil_24-300_socket (dil24x0.3' IC with socket) dil_24-600 (dil24x0.6' IC) dil_24-600_socket (dil24x0.6' IC with socket) dil_28-300 (dil28x0.3' IC) dil_28-300_socket (dil28x0.3' IC with socket) dil_28-600 (dil28x0.6' IC) dil_28-600_socket (dil28x0.6' IC with socket) dil_32-600 (dil32x0.6' IC) dil_32-600_socket (dil32x0.6' IC with socket) dil_40-600 (dil40x0.6' IC) dil_40-600_socket (dil40x0.6' IC with socket) dil_48-600 (dil40x0.6' IC) dil_48-600_socket (dil48x0.6' IC with socket) qil_64-600 (qil64x0.6' IC) sdil_28-400 (shrink dil 28x0.4' IC) sdil_28-400_socket (shrink dil 28x0.4' IC with socket) sdil_32-400 (shrink dil 32x0.4' IC) sdil_32-400_socket (shrink dil 32x0.4' IC with socket) sdil_42-600 (shrink dil 42x0.6' IC) sdil_42-600_socket (shrink dil 42x0.6' IC with socket) sdil_52-600 (shrink dil 52x0.6' IC) sdil_52-600_socket (shrink dil 52x0.6' IC with socket) sdil_64-750 (shrink dil 64x0.75' IC) sdil_64-750_socket (shrink dil 64x0.75' IC with socket) spm26 (Fairchild SPM26 DIL package) |
PTH Diodes (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
bridge_dfm (DFM series diode bridge) bridge_kbu4 (KBU series power diode bridge) bridge_WOB (1A radial diode bridge) diode_do15 (DO-15 plastic diode) diode_do35 (DO-35 glass diode) diode_do41 (DO-41 plastic diode) diode_do201 (DO-201 plastic diode) |
PTH ICs, PLCC with socket series TE 1-822473-x (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
PLCC28_pth-skt PLCC32_pth-skt PLCC44_pth-skt PLCC52_pth-skt PLCC68_pth-skt PLCC84_pth-skt |
PTH Resistors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
r-sil_5 (SIL 5 pin resistor network) r-sil_6 (SIL 6 pin resistor network) r-sil_7 (SIL 7 pin resistor network) r-sil_8 (SIL 8 pin resistor network) r-sil_9 (SIL 9 pin resistor network) r-sil_10 (SIL 10 pin resistor network) r-sil_11 (SIL 11 pin resistor network) r-sil_12 (SIL 12 pin resistor network) r-sil_13 (SIL 13 pin resistor network) r-sil_14 (SIL 14 pin resistor network) rc03 (.25W resistor) rc03_vert (.25W vertical resistor) rc05 (.33W resistor) rc05_vert (.33W vertical resistor) rc07 (1W resistor) rc07_vert (1W vertical resistor) r12x5.2 (12x5.2mm resistor) r12x5.2_vert (12x5.2mm vertical resistor) r13.5x6 (13.5x6mm resistor) r13.5x6_vert (13.5x6mm vertical resistor) r15.5x6 (15.5x6mm resistor) r15.5x6_vert (15.5x6mm vertical resistor) r22x8 (22x8mm resistor) r22x8_vert (22x8mm vertical resistor) r25x8 (25x8mm resistor) r25x8_vert (25x8mm vertical resistor) rc_vert_26x14x10 (radial power resistor, h=26mm, l=14mm, w=10mm) trimmer_alps-rk09k1130ah1 (9mm trimmer, Alps RK09K1130AH1) trimmer_alps_rk12l12c0-f15-c0 (12mm trimmer, Alps RK12L12C0) trimmer_alps_rk12l12c0-f20-c0 (12mm trimmer, Alps RK12L12C0) trimmer_alps_rk12l12c0-f25-c0 (12mm trimmer, Alps RK12L12C0) trimmer_alps_rk12l12c0-f30-c0 (12mm trimmer, Alps RK12L12C0) trimmer_bourns_3005 (multiturn trimmer, Bourns 3005) trimmer_bourns_3006p (multiturn trimmer, Bourns 3006P) trimmer_bourns_3006w (multiturn trimmer, Bourns 3006W) trimmer_bourns_3006y (multiturn trimmer, Bourns 3006Y) trimmer_bourns_3009p (multiturn trimmer, Bourns 3009P) trimmer_bourns_3009y (multiturn trimmer, Bourns 3009Y) trimmer_bourns_3250w (multiturn vertical trimmer, Bourns 3250W) trimmer_diplohm_p91 (cermet multiturn vertical trimmer, Diplohmatic P91) trimmer_diplohm_p92 (cermet multiturn trimmer, Diplohmatic P92) trimmer_diplohm_p94 (cermet multiturn vertical trimmer, Diplohmatic P94) trimmer_diplohm_p95 (cermet multiturn vertical trimmer, Diplohmatic P95) trimmer_diplohm_p97 (cermet multiturn vertical trimmer, Diplohmatic P97) trimmer_ecp_ca9-h2,5 (vertical trimmer, ECP CA9 H2,5) trimmer_ecp_ca9-v10 (trimmer, ECP CA9 V10) trimmer_piher_pt6xv (vertical trimmer, Piher PT6-xV) trimmer_piher_pt6xh (trimmer, Piher PT6-xH) trimmer_piher_pt10xv10 (vertical trimmer, Piher PT10-xV10) trimmer_piher_pt15xh05 (trimmer, Piher PT15-xH05) trimmer_piher_pt15xvx2 (vertical trimmer, Piher PT15-xVx2) trimmer_vishay_64w (cermet multiturn vertical trimmer, Vishay 64W) |
PTH Varistors (21/09/2022) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
zenamic_Z10D (Varistor, Zenamic Z10D series) zenamic_Z15D (Varistor, Zenamic Z15D series) zenamic_Z21D (Varistor, Zenamic Z21D series) |
Relais (21/09/2022) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
relay_34.51.7 (Finder 34.51.7 type relay) relay_34.81 (Finder 34.81 type solid state relay) relay_40.31 (Finder 40.31 type relay) relay_40.31_socket (Finder 40.31 type relay with 95.13.2 socket) relay_40.51 (Finder 40.51 type relay) relay_40.51_socket (Finder 40.51 type relay with 95.15.2 socket) relay_40.52 (Finder 40.52 type relay) relay_40.52_socket (Finder 40.52 type relay with 95.15.2 socket) relay_40.61 (Finder 40.61 type relay) relay_40.61_socket (Finder 40.61 type relay with 95.15.2 socket) relay_9001 (Coto 9001 type reed relay) relay_9002 (Coto 9002 type reed relay) relay_DK1a (Matsushita DK1a type relay) relay_DK1a-L2 (Matsushita DK1a dual coil latch type relay) relay_DK1a1b (Matsushita DK1a1b type relay) relay_DK1a1b-L2 (Matsushita DK1a1b dual coil latch type relay) relay_DK2a (Matsushita DK2a type relay) relay_DK2a-L2 (Matsushita DK2a dual coil latch type relay) relay_ftr-ly (relay, FTR-LY series) relay_g5le-1 (relay, Omron G5LE series) relay_g5le-1a (relay, Omron G5LE series) relay_GQ-PTH (Panasonic GQ type relay, PTH version) relay_GQ-SMD-A (Panasonic GQ type relay, SMD-A version) relay_GQ-SMD-S (Panasonic GQ type relay, SMD-S version) relay_hb (National HB type relay) relay_HJR-3FF_H (Tianbo HJR type relay, form A) relay_HJR-3FF_Z (Tianbo HJR type relay, form C) relay_js-k (Takamisawa JS-K series relay, form C) relay_pe (Schrack PE type relay) relay_rt1 (Schrack RT1 type relay) relay_rt1_3mm5_spdt (Schrack RT1 series relay, 3.5mm pitch, form C) relay_rt1_3mm5_spno (Schrack RT1 series relay, 3.5mm pitch, form A) relay_sj-1m (Sanyou SJ-x-1xxxM series relay, form A) relay_SSR-P03 (Fotek SSR-P03 type solid state relay) relay_SSR-xxDA (Fotek SSR-xxDA type solid state relay) relay_sy (Takamisawa SY type relay) relay_t9as1x1 (TE T9AS1x1 type relay) relay_t9as2x1 (TE T9AS2x1 type relay) relay_t9as5x1 (TE T9AS5x1 type relay) relay_V23042 (Siemens V23042 type relay) relay_V23042-B2 (Siemens V23042 dual coil latch type relay) relay_V23101-D0 (Tyco V23101-D0 type relay) relay_V23101-D0-B (Tyco V23101-D0-xB type relay) relay_V23101-D1 (Tyco V23101-D1 type relay) relay_V23101-D1-B (Tyco V23101-D1-xB type relay) |
RF modules (23/10/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
anaren_a1101rxxa (Anaren A1101RxxA RF module) anaren_a1101rxxc (Anaren A1101RxxC RF module) anaren_a2500r24a (Anaren A2500R24A RF module) anaren_a8520e24a91 (Anaren A8520E24A91 PurePath RF module) casambi_cbm001_horiz-R (Casambi CBM001 Bluetooth module - Horizontal install) casambi_cbm001_vert (Casambi CBM001 Bluetooth module - Vertical install) espressif_esp32-mini-1 (Espressif ESP32-MINI-1 2.4GHz WiFi 802.11 b/g/n module) espressif_esp32-mini-1u (Espressif ESP32-MINI-1U 2.4GHz WiFi 802.11 b/g/n module) espressif_esp32-pico-mini-02 (Espressif ESP32-PICO-MINI-02 2.4GHz WiFi 802.11 b/g/n module) espressif_esp32-pico-mini-02u (Espressif ESP32-PICO-MINI-02U 2.4GHz WiFi 802.11 b/g/n module) espressif_esp32-s2-solo (Espressif ESP32-S2-SOLO 2.4GHz WiFi 802.11 b/g/n module) espressif_esp32-s2-solo-u (Espressif ESP32-S2-SOLO-U 2.4GHz WiFi 802.11 b/g/n module) espressif_esp32-wroom-32e (Espressif ESP32-WROOM-32E 2.4GHz WiFi 802.11 b/g/n module) espressif_esp32-wroom-32ue (Espressif ESP32-WROOM-32UE 2.4GHz WiFi 802.11 b/g/n module) espressif_esp32-wroom-da (Espressif ESP32-WROOM-DA 2.4GHz WiFi 802.11 b/g/n module) espressif_esp32-wrover-e_ie (Espressif ESP32-WROVER-E/IE 2.4GHz WiFi 802.11 b/g/n module) id_id2la (ID-Innovation ID-2LA RFID module) id_id12la (ID-Innovation ID-12LA RFID module) id_id20la (ID-Innovation ID-20LA RFID module) itead_hc-05 (Itead HC-05 serial Bluetooth module) panasonic_pan131x (Panasonic PAN131x Bluetooth module) panasonic_pan132x (Panasonic PAN132x Bluetooth module) qm-5767 (QM-5767-F00 FM digital tuner module) rfm12b_pth (Hope RFM12B module, PTH version) rfm12b_smd (Hope RFM12B module, SMD version) rfm22b_pth (Hope RFM22B module, PTH version) rfm22b_smd (Hope RFM22B module, SMD version) roving_rn-42 (Roving Network Bluetooth module) roving_rn-42-n (Roving Network Bluetooth module) roving_rn-131 (Roving Network 802.11 b/g module) telit_gl865 (Telit GL865 GSM/GPRS module) |
Switches (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
dip_2-300 (2-way 0.3' dip switch) dip_3-300 (3-way 0.3' dip switch) dip_4-300 (4-way 0.3' dip switch) dip_5-300 (5-way 0.3' dip switch) dip_6-300 (6-way 0.3' dip switch) dip_7-300 (7-way 0.3' dip switch) dip_8-300 (8-way 0.3' dip switch) dip_9-300 (9-way 0.3' dip switch) dip_10-300 (10-way 0.3' dip switch) dip_12-300 (12-way 0.3' dip switch) pcb_push (PCB pushbutton, Tyco series FSM6x6) pcb_push2 (PCB pushbutton, TEC series R18-801A) pcb_push_xiejia_pb-11d01 (PCB pushbutton, Xiejia PB-11D01) pcb_push_xiejia_pb-11d03 (PCB pushbutton, Xiejia PB-11D03) pcb_push_xiejia_pb-11d14 (PCB pushbutton, Xiejia PB-11D14) smd_push (smd pushbutton) smd_push2 (smd pushbutton) smd_push_ll3301nf065qg (smd pushbutton, E-Switch LL3301NF065QG) smd_push_xiejia_pb-11d06 (smd pushbutton, Xiejia PB-11D06) switch_100sp5 (E-Switch 100sp5 type switch) switch_mfp116dg-ra (Knitter MFP 116 DG-RA switch) switch_mmp122-r (Knitter MMP 122-R switch) |
TO and similars (21/09/2022) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
ipak (IPAK with bended pins) ipak-sp (IPAK with bended pins, standard pinout) ipak_std (IPAK standard) ipak_std-sp (IPAK standard, standard pinout) multiwatt11 (Multiwatt - TO220 like - with 11 pins, standard pinout) multiwatt15 (Multiwatt - TO220 like - with 15 pins, standard pinout) pentawatt (Pentawatt - TO220 like - with 5 pins) pentawatt-sp (Pentawatt - TO220 like - with 5 pins, standard pinout) sot82 (SOT82 with bended pins) sot82-sp (SOT82 with bended pins, standard pinout) sot82_std (SOT82 standard) sot82_std-sp (SOT82 standard, standard pinout) to3-2 (TO3 with 2 pins, standard pinout) to3-4 (TO3 with 4 pins, standard pinout) to3-8 (TO3 with 8 pins, standard pinout) to18 (TO18 with 3 pins, standard pinout) to18-4 (TO18 with 3 pins, standard pinout) to71 (TO71 package, standard pinout) to71-6 (TO71, 6-pin package, standard pinout) to92_3 (TO92 standard) to92_3-sp (TO92 standard, standard pinout) to92_3_flat (TO92 standard with straight pins) to92_3_flat-sp (TO92 standard with straight pins, standard pinout) to99 (TO99 standard, standard pinout) to220 (TO220 with bended pins) to220-sp (TO220 with bended pins, standard pinout) to220_11cw (TO220 with bended pins and 11°C/W heatsink - Aavid extrusion 0S172 series) to220_11cw-sp (TO220 with bended pins and 11°C/W heatsink - Aavid extrusion 0S172 series, standard pinout) to220_14cw (TO220 with bended pins and 14°C/W heatsink - Aavid extrusion 0S172 series) to220_14cw-sp (TO220 with bended pins and 14°C/W heatsink - Aavid extrusion 0S172 series, standard pinout) to220_5770 (TO220 with bended pins and Aavid 5770 type 32°C/W heatsink) to220_5770-sp (TO220 with bended pins and Aavid 5770 type 32°C/W heatsink, standard pinout) to220_5771 (TO220 with bended pins and Aavid 5771 type 25.9°C/W heatsink) to220_5771-sp (TO220 with bended pins and Aavid 5771 type 25.9°C/W heatsink, standard pinout) to220_5772 (TO220 with bended pins and Aavid 5772 type 24.4°C/W heatsink) to220_5772-sp (TO220 with bended pins and Aavid 5772 type 24.4°C/W heatsink, standard pinout) to220-horiz (TO220 horizontal right) to220-horiz-sp (TO220 horizontal, standard pinout) to220-horiz_5770 (TO220 horizontal, with Aavid 5770 type 32°C/W heatsink) to220-horiz_5770-sp (TO220 horizontal, standard pinout, with Aavid 5770 type 32°C/W heatsink) to220-horiz_5771 (TO220 horizontal, with Aavid 5771 type 25.9°C/W heatsink) to220-horiz_5771-sp (TO220 horizontal, standard pinout, with Aavid 5771 type 25.9°C/W heatsink) to220-horiz_5772 (TO220 horizontal, with Aavid 5772 type 24.4°C/Wheatsink) to220-horiz_5772-sp (TO220 horizontal, standard pinout, with Aavid 5772 type 24.4°C/Wheatsink) to220_std (TO220 standard) to220_std-sp (TO220 standard, standard pinout) to220_std_11cw (TO220 standard with 11°C/W heatsink - Aavid extrusion 0S172 series) to220_std_11cw-sp (TO220 standard with 11°C/W heatsink - Aavid extrusion 0S172 series, standard pinout) to220_std_14cw (TO220 standard with 14°C/W heatsink - Aavid extrusion 0S172 series) to220_std_14cw-sp (TO220 standard with 14°C/W heatsink - Aavid extrusion 0S172 series, standard pinout) to220_std_5770 (TO220 standard with Aavid 5770 type 32°C/W heatsink) to220_std_5770-sp (TO220 standard with Aavid 5770 type 32°C/W heatsink, standard pinout) to220_std_5771 (TO220 standard with Aavid 5771 type 25.9°C/W heatsink) to220_std_5771-sp (TO220 standard with Aavid 5771 type 25.9°C/W heatsink, standard pinout) to220_std_5772 (TO220 standard with Aavid 5772 type 24.4°C/W heatsink) to220_std_5772-sp (TO220 standard with Aavid 5772 type 24.4°C/W heatsink, standard pinout) to220-2 (TO220 with 2 pins) to220-2-sp (TO220 with 2 pins, standard pinout) to220-2_11cw (TO220 with 2 pins and 11°C/W heatsink - Aavid extrusion 0S172 series) to220-2_11cw-sp (TO220 with 2 pins and 11°C/W heatsink - Aavid extrusion 0S172 series, standard pinout) to220-2_14cw (TO220 with 2 pins and 14°C/W heatsink - Aavid extrusion 0S172 series) to220-2_14cw-sp (TO220 with 2 pins and 14°C/W heatsink - Aavid extrusion 0S172 series, standard pinout) to220-2_5770 (TO220 with 2 pins and Aavid 5770 type 32°C/W heatsink) to220-2_5770-sp (TO220 with 2 pins and Aavid 5770 type 32°C/W heatsink, standard pinout) to220-2_5771 (TO220 with 2 pins and Aavid 5771 type 25.9°C/W heatsink) to220-2_5771-sp (TO220 with 2 pins and Aavid 5771 type 25.9°C/W heatsink, standard pinout) to220-2_5772 (TO220 with 2 pins and Aavid 5772 type 24.4°C/W heatsink) to220-2_5772-sp (TO220 with 2 pins and Aavid 5772 type 24.4°C/W heatsink, standard pinout) to220-2-horiz (TO220 with 2 pins, horizontal right) to220-2-horiz-sp (TO220 with 2 pins, horizontal, standard pinout) to220-2-horiz_5770 (TO220 with 2 pins, horizontal, with Aavid 5770 type 32°C/W heatsink) to220-2-horiz_5770-sp (TO220 with 2 pins, horizontal, with Aavid 5770 type 32°C/W heatsink, standard pinout) to220-2-horiz_5771 (TO220 with 2 pins, horizontal, with Aavid 5771 type 25.9°C/W heatsink) to220-2-horiz_5771-sp (TO220 with 2 pins, horizontal, with Aavid 5771 type 25.9°C/W heatsink, standard pinout) to220-2-horiz_5772 (TO220 with 2 pins, horizontal, with Aavid 5772 type 24.4°C/W heatsink) to220-2-horiz_5772-sp (TO220 with 2 pins, horizontal, with Aavid 5772 type 24.4°C/W heatsink, standard pinout) to220-5 (TO220 with 5 pins) to220-5-sp (TO220 with 5 pins, standard pinout) to220-5_11cw (TO220 with 5 pins and 11°C/W heatsink - Aavid extrusion 0S172 series) to220-5_11cw-sp (TO220 with 5 pins and 11°C/W heatsink - Aavid extrusion 0S172 series, standard pinout) to220-5_14cw (TO220 with 5 pins and 14°C/W heatsink - Aavid extrusion 0S172 series) to220-5_14cw-sp (TO220 with 5 pins and 14°C/W heatsink - Aavid extrusion 0S172 series, standard pinout) to220-5_5770 (TO220 with 5 pins and Aavid 5770 type 32°C/W heatsink) to220-5_5770-sp (TO220 with 5 pins and Aavid 5770 type 32°C/W heatsink, standard pinout) to220-5_5771 (TO220 with 5 pins and Aavid 5771 type 25.9°C/W heatsink) to220-5_5771-sp (TO220 with 5 pins and Aavid 5771 type 25.9°C/W heatsink, standard pinout) to220-5_5772 (TO220 with 5 pins and Aavid 5772 type 24.4°C/W heatsink) to220-5_5772-sp (TO220 with 5 pins and Aavid 5772 type 24.4°C/W heatsink, standard pinout) to220-5-horiz (TO220 with 5 pins, horizontal right) to220-5-horiz-sp (TO220 with 5 pins, horizontal, standard pinout) to220-5-horiz_5770 (TO220 with 5 pins, horizontal, with Aavid 5770 type 32°C/W heatsink) to220-5-horiz_5770-sp (TO220 with 5 pins, horizontal, with Aavid 5770 type 32°C/W heatsink, standard pinout) to220-5-horiz_5771 (TO220 with 5 pins, horizontal, with Aavid 5771 type 25.9°C/W heatsink) to220-5-horiz_5771-sp (TO220 with 5 pins, horizontal, with Aavid 5771 type 25.9°C/W heatsink, standard pinout) to220-5-horiz_5772 (TO220 with 5 pins, horizontal, with Aavid 5772 type 24.4°C/W heatsink) to220-5-horiz_5772-sp (TO220 with 5 pins, horizontal, with Aavid 5772 type 24.4°C/W heatsink, standard pinout) to220-7 (TO220 with 7 pins) to220-7-sp (TO220 with 7 pins, standard pinout) to220-15 (TO220 with 15 pins, standard pinout) to225 (TO225-TO126 with bended pins) to225-sp (TO225-TO126 with bended pins, standard pinout) to225_std (TO225-TO126 standard) to225_std-sp (TO225-TO126 standard, standard pinout) to247 (TO247 standard) to247-sp (TO247 standard, standard pinout) top3-sp (TOP3 standard) top3-sp (TOP3 standard, standard pinout) |
SMD ICs, BGA package (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
CABGA256 (0,8mm pitch, standard pin numbering) CSBGA56 (0,5mm pitch, standard pin numbering) CSBGA132-O1 (0,5mm pitch, option 1, standard pin numbering) CSBGA132-O2 (0,5mm pitch, option 2, standard pin numbering) FBGA100 (1mm pitch, mirrored pin numbering) FBGA100-STD (1mm pitch, standard pin numbering) FBGA256 (1mm pitch, mirrored pin numbering) FBGA256-STD (1mm pitch, standard pin numbering) FBGA324 (1mm pitch, mirrored pin numbering) FBGA324-STD (1mm pitch, standard pin numbering) LBGA256 (1mm pitch, mirrored pin numbering) LBGA256-STD (1mm pitch, standard pin numbering) LFBGA217 (0,8mm pitch, mirrored pin numbering) LFBGA217-STD (0,8mm pitch, standard pin numbering) MAPBGA121 (1mm pitch, standard pin numbering) MBGA68 (0,5mm pitch, mirrored pin numbering) MBGA68-STD (0,5mm pitch, standard pin numbering) MBGA100 (0,5mm pitch, mirrored pin numbering) MBGA100-STD (0,5mm pitch, standard pin numbering) MBGA144 (0,5mm pitch, mirrored pin numbering) MBGA144-STD (0,5mm pitch, standard pin numbering) MBGA256 (0,5mm pitch, mirrored pin numbering) MBGA256-STD (0,5mm pitch, standard pin numbering) R-XBGA-N6 (0,5mm pitch, standard pin numbering) R-XBGA-N8 (0,5mm pitch, standard pin numbering) R-XBGA-N12 (0.5mm pitch, standard pin numbering) S-PBGA-N12 (0.5mm pitch, standard pin numbering) S-PBGA-N298 (0,65mm pitch, standard pin numbering) S-PBGA-N324 (0,8mm pitch, standard pin numbering) TFBGA48 (6x8mm, 0,8mm pitch, standard pin numbering) TFBGA48-9x11 (9x11mm, 0,8mm pitch, standard pin numbering) TFBGA100 (0,8mm pitch, mirrored pin numbering) TFBGA100-STD (0,8mm pitch, standard pin numbering) TFBGA144 (0,8mm pitch, mirrored pin numbering) TFBGA144-STD (0,8mm pitch, standard pin numbering) TFBGA180 (0,8mm pitch, mirrored pin numbering) TFBGA180-STD (0,8mm pitch, standard pin numbering) TWBGA78 (0,8mm pitch, standard pin numbering) TWBGA96 (0,8mm pitch, standard pin numbering) UBGA484-STD (0,8mm pitch, standard pin numbering) UCBGA225 (0,4mm pitch, standard pin numbering) UFBGA201 (0,65mm pitch, standard pin numbering) VFBGA20 (0,5mm pitch, standard pin numbering) XBGA121 (0,8mm pitch, mirrored pin numbering) XBGA121-STD (0,8mm pitch, standard pin numbering) WLCSP90 (0,4mm pitch, standard pin numbering) WLCSP99 (0,5mm pitch, standard pin numbering) |
SMD Capacitors (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
c_0603 (0603 capacitor) c_0805 (0805 capacitor) c_1206 (1206 capacitor) c_1210 (1210 capacitor) c_1808 (1808 capacitor) c_1812 (1812 capacitor) c_1825 (1825 capacitor) c_2220 (2220 capacitor) c_2225 (2225 capacitor) c_3220 (2225 capacitor) c_elec_3x5.3 (electrolytic capacitor dia=3mm h=5.3mm) c_elec_4x4.5 (electrolytic capacitor dia=4mm h=4.5mm) c_elec_4x5.3 (electrolytic capacitor dia=4mm h=5.3mm) c_elec_4x5.7 (electrolytic capacitor dia=4mm h=5.7mm) c_elec_4x5.8 (electrolytic capacitor dia=4mm h=5.8mm) c_elec_5x4.5 (electrolytic capacitor dia=5mm h=4.5mm) c_elec_5x5.3 (electrolytic capacitor dia=5mm h=5.3mm) c_elec_5x5.7 (electrolytic capacitor dia=5mm h=5.7mm) c_elec_5x5.8 (electrolytic capacitor dia=5mm h=5.8mm) c_elec_6.3x4.5 (electrolytic capacitor dia=6.3mm h=4.5mm) c_elec_6.3x5.3 (electrolytic capacitor dia=6.3mm h=5.3mm) c_elec_6.3x5.7 (electrolytic capacitor dia=6.3mm h=5.7mm) c_elec_6.3x5.8 (electrolytic capacitor dia=6.3mm h=5.8mm) c_elec_6.3x7.7 (electrolytic capacitor dia=6.3mm h=7.7mm) c_elec_8x6.5 (electrolytic capacitor dia=8mm h=6.5mm) c_elec_8x6.7 (electrolytic capacitor dia=8mm h=6.7mm) c_elec_8x10 (electrolytic capacitor dia=8mm h=10mm) c_elec_8x10.5 (electrolytic capacitor dia=8mm h=10.5mm) c_elec_10x7.7 (electrolytic capacitor dia=10mm h=7.7mm) c_elec_10x10 (electrolytic capacitor dia=10mm h=10mm) c_elec_10x10.5 (electrolytic capacitor dia=10mm h=10.5mm) c_tant_A (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 3216-18) c_tant_B (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 3528-21) c_tant_C (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 6032-28) c_tant_D (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 7343-31) c_tant_E (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 7360-38) c_tant_H (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 7360-20) c_tant_I (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 3216-10) c_tant_J (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 7360-15) c_tant_L (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 6032-19) c_tant_M (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 3528-15) c_tant_P (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 2012-10) c_tant_Q (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 7343-12) c_tant_R (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 2012-12) c_tant_S (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 3216-12) c_tant_T (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 3528-12) c_tant_U (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 6032-15) c_tant_V (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 7343-19) c_tant_W (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 7343-15) c_tant_X (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 7343-43) c_tant_Y (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 7343-40) c_tant_Z (tantalum capacitor size A, EIA 7343-17) cfeed_0805 (0805 feedthru capacitor) |
SMD ICs, various DIL packages (24/04/2023) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
htssop-14 (PowerPAD TSSOP 14 pins 0.65mm, exposed pad (TI 4214867/A)) mdip_4 (SMD DIL4 x 0,3") mdip_6 (SMD DIL6 x 0,3") mdip_8 (SMD DIL8 x 0,3") mfp_4 (Mini flat package, 4 pin) msoic-8 (MiniSO 8 pins 0.65mm (ST)) msoic-8_powerpad (MiniSO 8 pins 0.65mm, Exposed pad (ST)) msoic-10 (MiniSO 10 pins 0.5mm (ST)) msop-8 (MSOP 8 pins 0.65mm (Analog/LTC MS8)) msop-8ep (MSOP 8 pins 0.65mm, Exposed pad (Analog/LTC MS8E)) msop-10 (MSOP 10 pins 0.5mm (Analog/LTC MS10)) msop-10ep (MSOP 10 pins 0.5mm, Exposed pad (Analog/LTC MSE10)) msop-12 (MSOP 12 pins 0.65mm (Analog/LTC MS12)) msop-12ep (MSOP 12 pins 0.65mm, Exposed pad (Analog/LTC MSE12)) msop-16 (MSOP 16 pins 0.5mm (Analog/LTC MS16)) msop-16ep (MSOP 16 pins 0.5mm, Exposed pad (Analog/LTC MSE16)) multipowerso-30 (MultiPowerSO-30 (ST)) pdso-8 powerso-20 (PowerSO-20, Jedec MO-166 (ST)) powerso-36 (PowerSO-36, Jedec MO-166 (ST)) powerso-44 (PowerSO-44, Jedec MO-166 (Apex)) psop-8 (PowerPad Small-Outline) psop-24 (PowerPad Small-Outline) qsop-16ep r-pdso-n6 smd_4 so-8 (SOIC Narrow, 3.9mm 8 pins) so-14 (SOIC Narrow, 3.9mm 14 pins) so-16 (SOIC Narrow, 3.9mm 16 pins) soic-14 (SOIC Wide, 7.5mm 14 pins) soic-16 (SOIC Wide, 7.5mm 16 pins) soic-18 (SOIC Wide, 7.5mm 18 pins) soic-20 (SOIC Wide, 7.5mm 20 pins) soic-24 (SOIC Wide, 7.5mm 24 pins) soic-28 (SOIC Wide, 7.5mm 28 pins) soic-54ep (SOIC Wide, 7.5mm 54 pins 0.65mm, Exposed pad (Freescale 1377-02)) soij-8 (SOIC Wide, 5.3mm 8 pins) sso-6 (Stretched SO-6, 8mm clearance (Broadcom)) ssop-14 (SSOP-14, 5.3mm (SOT337-1)) ssop-16 (SSOP-16, 5.3mm (SOT338-1)) ssop-16_4 (SSOP-16, 3.9mm (SOT519-1)) ssop-16_44 (SSOP-16, 4.4mm (SOT369-1)) ssop-20 (SSOP-20, 5.3mm (SOT339-1)) ssop-20_4 (SSOP-20, 3.9mm (SOT724-1)) ssop-20_44 (SSOP-20, 4.4mm (SOT266-1)) ssop-24 (SSOP-24, 5.3mm (SOT340-1)) ssop-24_4 (SSOP-24, 3.9mm (SOT556-1)) ssop-28 (SSOP-28, 5.3mm (SOT341-1)) ssop-48 (SSOP-48, 7.5mm (SOT370-1)) tsoc-6 tsop2-44 tssop-8 (TSSOP-8, 4.4mm (SOT530-1)) tssop-8_3 (TSSOP-8, 3mm (SOT505-1)) tssop-10_3 (TSSOP-10, 3mm (SOT552-1)) tssop-14 (TSSOP-14, 4.4mm (SOT402-1)) tssop-14ep (TSSOP-14EP, 4.4mm (ST)) tssop-16 (TSSOP-16, 4.4mm (SOT403-1)) tssop-20 (TSSOP-20, 4.4mm (SOT360-1)) tssop-24 (TSSOP-24, 4.4mm (SOT355-1)) tssop-24_56 (TSSOP-24, 5.6mm (SOT1771-1)) tssop-24ep (TSSOP-24, 4.4mm with 5x3.2 pad (Analog)) tssop-28 (TSSOP-28, 4.4mm (SOT361-1)) tssop-28ep35 (TSSOP-28EP, 4.4mm with 3.5x3 pad (Analog)) tssop-28ep55 (TSSOP-28EP, 4.4mm with 5.5x3 pad (Analog)) tssop-32 (TSSOP-32, 6.1mm (SOT487-1)) |
SMD Diodes (21/09/2022) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
DO214AB (SMC) DO214AC (SMA) DO219AB (SMF) DO221BC (SMPA) MBS (Diode bridge MBxS series) Melf Micromelf SDIP04A (Diode bridge DFxxS series) SOD87 SOD80C SOD123 SOD323 SOD523 |
SMD inductors(24/04/2023) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
inductor_smd_0402 (0402 inductor) inductor_smd_0603 (0603 inductor) inductor_smd_0603_WE-PMCI (0603 inductor, Wurth WE-PMCI series) inductor_smd_0603_WE-PMI (0603 inductor, Wurth WE-PMI series) inductor_smd_0805 (0805 inductor) inductor_smd_0805_WE-PMCI (0805 inductor, Wurth WE-PMCI series) inductor_smd_0805_WE_PMI (0805 inductor, Wurth WE-PMI series) inductor_smd_0806_WE-PMCI (0806 inductor, Wurth WE-PMCI series) inductor_smd_0806_WE-PMI (0806 inductor, Wurth WE-PMI series) inductor_smd_1008 (1008 inductor) inductor_smd_1008_WE-PMCI (1008 inductor, Wurth WE-PMCI series) inductor_smd_1008_WE-PMI (1008 inductor, Wurth WE-PMI series) inductor_smd_1008hs_WE-PMCI (1008 inductor, Wurth WE-PMCI series) inductor_smd_1210_WE-PMCI (1210 inductor, Wurth WE-PMCI series) inductor_smd_1210hs_WE-PMCI (1210 inductor, Wurth WE-PMCI series) inductor_smd_1812 (1812 inductor) inductor_smd_3020_WE-MAPI (3020 inductor, Wurth WE-MAPI series) inductor_smd_2x1.6x1mm (SMD inductor, 2mm x 1.6mm x h.1mm) inductor_smd_2.5x2x1.2mm (SMD inductor, 2.5mm x 2mm x h.1.2mm) inductor_smd_3x1.4mm (SMD Inductor, d.3mm x h.1.4mm) inductor_smd_3x3x1.5mm (SMD inductor, 3mm x 3mm x h.1.5mm) inductor_smd_4x4x1.2mm (SMD inductor, 3mm x 3mm x h.1.2mm) inductor_smd_4x4x1.8mm (SMD inductor, 3mm x 3mm x h.1.8mm) inductor_smd_4.8x2.8mm (SMD Inductor, d.4.8mm x h.2.8mm) inductor_smd_5x2mm (SMD Inductor, d.5mm x h.2mm) inductor_smd_5x4mm (SMD Inductor, d.5mm x h.4mm) inductor_smd_5.8x2.8mm (SMD Inductor, d.5.8mm x h.2.8mm) inductor_smd_5.8x4.5mm (SMD inductor, 5.8mm x h.4,5mm, Sumida CD54) inductor_smd_6x4.3mm (SMD Inductor, d.6mm x h.4.3mm) inductor_smd_6.5x4.8mm (Inductor SMD, d.6.5mm x h.4.8mm) inductor_smd_6.8x3.8mm (SMD Inductor, d.6.8mm x h.3.8mm) inductor_smd_7x4.5mm (SMD Inductor, d.7mm x h.4.5mm) inductor_smd_8x5mm (SMD Inductor, d.8mm x h.5mm) inductor_smd_10.4x4.8mm (SMD Inductor, d.10.4mm x h.4.8mm) inductor_smd_12.5x3.5mm_np (SMD inductor, d.12.5mm x h.3.5mm narrow pads, Vishay IHLP-5050CE-01) inductor_smd_12.5x3.5mm_wp (SMD inductor, d.12.5mm x h.3.5mm wide pads, Vishay IHLP-5050CE-01) inductor_smd_12.5x7.5mm (SMD Inductor, d.12.5mm x h.7.5mm) inductor_smd_13x7mm (SMD Inductor, d.13mm x h.7mm, Bourns SDR1307A series) inductor_smd_do3316p (SMD Inductor, Coilcraft DO3316P) inductor_smd_pm2120 (SMD Inductor, Bourns PM2120) inductor_smd_ser2900 (SMD Inductor, Coilcraft SER2900) inductor_smd_srp1265ad (SMD Inductor, d.12.5mm x h.6.2mm, Bourns SRP1265A) inductor_smd_srr6603 (SMD inductor, Bourns SRR6603 series) transf_smd_ep7-8 (SMD Transformer, EP7-8 model) transf_smd_ep10-8 (SMD Transformer, EP10-8 model) transf_smd_ep13-10 (SMD Transformer, EP13-10 model) transf_smd_we-ppti (SMD transformer, Wurth WE-PPTI series) |
SMD LEDs(15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
Avago_Aveon (Prolight Unicorn) Avago_Jade (Prolight Crab) Citizen_CL82x Citizen_CLL600 Cree_CLM3C Cree_CLP6B Cree_MC-E Cree_ML-E Cree_MT Cree_MX Cree_XB Cree_XHP50 Cree_XM Cree_XM-L_Color Cree_XP Cree_XQ-E Cree_XR Edison_Edixeon_A Edison_Edixeon_RGB Edison_Federal_5050 Led_0402 Led_0603 Led_0805 Led_1206 Led_PLCC2_3528 Luxeon_2835 Luxeon_3014 Luxeon_3020 Luxeon_3030 Luxeon_3535L Luxeon_C Luxeon_M Luxeon_Rebel Multi_Rebel+XP (footprint for compatibility with both Rebel and XP) Nichia_T02A Osram_DISPLIXP3333 Osram_Duris_E3 Osram_Duris_E5 Osram_Duris_P5 Osram_Duris_S5 Osram_GoldenDragon Osram_GoldenDragonPlus Osram_Oslon Osram_PlatinumDragon Samsung_2323 Seoul_5630 Seoul_P4 Seoul_P5-II Seoul_SFT825N Seoul_Z7 SFH5712 (Osram SFH 5712 2x2mm package) Sharp_DoubleDome |
SMD ICs, LQFP packages (24/04/2023) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
lqfp-24-4x4_l-pqfp-g-bkb (Jedec MS-026 BKB - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.5mm pitch) lqfp-32-4x4_l-pqfp-g-bkc (Jedec MS-026 BKC - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.4mm pitch) lqfp-32-5x5_l-pqfp-g-baa (Jedec MS-026 BAA - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.4mm pitch) lqfp-32-7x7_l-pqfp-g-bba (Jedec MS-026 BBA - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.8mm pitch) lqfp-36-10x10_l-pqfp-g-bca (Jedec MS-026 BCA - 1.4mm body thickness, 1mm pitch) lqfp-40-5x5_l-pqfp-g-bab (Jedec MS-026 BAB - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.4mm pitch) lqfp-40-7x7_l-pqfp-g-bbb (Jedec MS-026 BBB - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.65mm pitch) lqfp-44-10x10_l-pqfp-g-bcb (Jedec MS-026 BCB - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.8mm pitch) lqfp-44-12x12_l-pqfp-g-bda (Jedec MS-026 BDA - 1.4mm body thickness, 1mm pitch) lqfp-48-7x7_l-pqfp-g-bbc (Jedec MS-026 BBC - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.5mm pitch) lqfp-52-10x10_l-pqfp-g-bcc (Jedec MS-026 BCC - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.65mm pitch) lqfp-52-12x12_l-pqfp-g-bdb (Jedec MS-026 BDB - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.8mm pitch) lqfp-52-14x14_l-pqfp-g-bea (Jedec MS-026 BEA - 1.4mm body thickness, 1mm pitch) lqfp-64-7x7_l-pqfp-g-bbd (Jedec MS-026 BBD - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.4mm pitch) lqfp-64-10x10_l-pqfp-g-bcd (Jedec MS-026 BCD - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.5mm pitch) lqfp-64-12x12_l-pqfp-g-bdc (Jedec MS-026 BDC - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.65mm pitch) lqfp-64-14x14_l-pqfp-g-beb (Jedec MS-026 BEB - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.8mm pitch) lqfp-80-10x10_l-pqfp-g-bce (Jedec MS-026 BCE - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.4mm pitch) lqfp-80-12x12_l-pqfp-g-bdd (Jedec MS-026 BDD - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.5mm pitch) lqfp-80-14x14_l-pqfp-g-bec (Jedec MS-026 BEC - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.65mm pitch) lqfp-100-12x12_l-pqfp-g-bde (Jedec MS-026 BDE - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.4mm pitch) lqfp-100-14x14_l-pqfp-g-bed (Jedec MS-026 BED - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.5mm pitch) lqfp-100-14x20_l-pqfp-g-bha (Jedec MS-026 BHA - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.65mm pitch) lqfp-112-20x20_l-pqfp-g-bfa (Jedec MS-026 BFA - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.65mm pitch) lqfp-120-14x14_l-pqfp-g-bee (Jedec MS-026 BEE - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.4mm pitch) lqfp-128-14x20_l-pqfp-g-bhb (Jedec MS-026 BHB - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.5mm pitch) lqfp-144-20x20_l-pqfp-g-bfb (Jedec MS-026 BFB - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.5mm pitch) lqfp-160-28x28_l-pqfp-g-bja (Jedec MS-026 BJA - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.65mm pitch) lqfp-176-20x20_l-pqfp-g-bfc (Jedec MS-026 BFC - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.4mm pitch) lqfp-176-24x24_l-pqfp-g-bga (Jedec MS-026 BGA - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.5mm pitch) lqfp-208-28x28_l-pqfp-g-bjb (Jedec MS-026 BJB - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.5mm pitch) lqfp-216-24x24_l-pqfp-g-bgb (Jedec MS-026 BGB - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.4mm pitch) lqfp-256-28x28_l-pqfp-g-bjc (Jedec MS-026 BJC - 1.4mm body thickness, 0.4mm pitch) tqfp-20-4x4_t-pqfp-g-aka (Jedec MS-026 AKA - 1mm body thickness, 0.65mm pitch) tqfp-24-4x4_t-pqfp-g-akb (Jedec MS-026 AKB - 1mm body thickness, 0.5mm pitch) tqfp-32-4x4_t-pqfp-g-akc (Jedec MS-026 AKC - 1mm body thickness, 0.4mm pitch) tqfp-32-5x5_t-pqfp-g-aaa (Jedec MS-026 AAA - 1mm body thickness, 0.5mm pitch) tqfp-32-7x7_t-pqfp-g-aba (Jedec MS-026 ABA - 1mm body thickness, 0.8mm pitch) tqfp-36-10x10_t-pqfp-g-aca (Jedec MS-026 ACA - 1mm body thickness, 1mm pitch) tqfp-40-5x5_t-pqfp-g-aab (Jedec MS-026 AAB - 1mm body thickness, 0.4mm pitch) tqfp-40-7x7_t-pqfp-g-abb (Jedec MS-026 ABB - 1mm body thickness, 0.65mm pitch) tqfp-44-10x10_t-pqfp-g-acb (Jedec MS-026 ACB - 1mm body thickness, 0.8mm pitch) tqfp-44-12x12_t-pqfp-g-ada (Jedec MS-026 ADA - 1mm body thickness, 1mm pitch) tqfp-48-7x7_t-pqfp-g-abc (Jedec MS-026 ABC - 1mm body thickness, 0.5mm pitch) tqfp-52-10x10_t-pqfp-g-acc (Jedec MS-026 ACC - 1mm body thickness, 0.65mm pitch) tqfp-52-12x12_t-pqfp-g-adb (Jedec MS-026 ADB - 1mm body thickness, 0.8mm pitch) tqfp-52-14x14_t-pqfp-g-aea (Jedec MS-026 AEA - 1mm body thickness, 1mm pitch) tqfp-64-7x7_t-pqfp-g-abd (Jedec MS-026 ABD - 1mm body thickness, 0.4mm pitch) tqfp-64-10x10_t-pqfp-g-acd (Jedec MS-026 ACD - 1mm body thickness, 0.5mm pitch) tqfp-64-12x12_t-pqfp-g-adc (Jedec MS-026 ADC - 1mm body thickness, 0.65mm pitch) tqfp-64-14x14_t-pqfp-g-aeb (Jedec MS-026 AEB - 1mm body thickness, 0.8mm pitch) tqfp-80-10x10_t-pqfp-g-ace (Jedec MS-026 ACE - 1mm body thickness, 0.4mm pitch) tqfp-80-12x12_t-pqfp-g-add (Jedec MS-026 ADD - 1mm body thickness, 0.5mm pitch) tqfp-80-14x14_t-pqfp-g-aec (Jedec MS-026 AEC - 1mm body thickness, 0.65mm pitch) tqfp-100-12x12_t-pqfp-g-ade (Jedec MS-026 ADE - 1mm body thickness, 0.4mm pitch) tqfp-100-14x14_t-pqfp-g-aed (Jedec MS-026 AED - 1mm body thickness, 0.5mm pitch) tqfp-100-14x20_t-pqfp-g-aha (Jedec MS-026 AHA - 1mm body thickness, 0.65mm pitch) tqfp-112-20x20_t-pqfp-g-afa (Jedec MS-026 AFA - 1mm body thickness, 0.65mm pitch) tqfp-120-14x14_t-pqfp-g-aee (Jedec MS-026 AEE - 1mm body thickness, 0.4mm pitch) tqfp-128-14x20_t-pqfp-g-ahb (Jedec MS-026 AHB - 1mm body thickness, 0.5mm pitch) tqfp-144-20x20_t-pqfp-g-afb (Jedec MS-026 AFB - 1mm body thickness, 0.5mm pitch) tqfp-176-20x20_t-pqfp-g-afc (Jedec MS-026 AFC - 1mm body thickness, 0.4mm pitch) tqfp-176-24x24_t-pqfp-g-aga (Jedec MS-026 AGA - 1mm body thickness, 0.5mm pitch) tqfp-216-24x24_t-pqfp-g-agb (Jedec MS-026 AGB - 1mm body thickness, 0.4mm pitch) |
SMD ICs, PLCC packages (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
SMD ICs, QFN packages (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
CUDFN6 (ON Semiconductor 505AL) DFN-6_clock (big DFN package for HCMOS oscillators) DFN6-3x3 (Silicon Labs) DFN-S-8 (Microchip) DFN5 (ON Semiconductors, SO-8FL) DFN8 (ON Semiconductors) DFN8-2x3 (Microchip) DFN8-DD (Linear Technology) DFN10-3x3 (Linear Technology) DFN12 (Linear Technology) DFN2018-6 (DIODES) DHVQFN16 (NXP, SOT763-1) HCLGA-10L (ST) HVSON8 (NXP SOT782-1) LFCSP-UQ-10_13x16 (Analog Devices CP-10-10) LFCSP-UQ-10_20x20 (Analog Devices CP-10-11) LFCSP-VQ-12_30x30 (National CP-12-3) LFCSP-WD-10_30x30 (National CP-10-3) LFCSP-48 (National CP-48-3) LGA-14 (Analog Devices CC-14-1) LGA-24 (ST) PQFP-10 PVQFN-N14 (Texas Instruments) PVQFN-N16 (Texas Instruments) PVQFN-N20 (Texas Instruments) PVQFN-N24 (Texas Instruments) PVQFN-N32 (Texas Instruments) PVQFN-N40 (Texas Instruments) PVQFN-N48 (Texas Instruments) Q5B (Texas Instruments) QFN-16 (Freescale) QFN-16_4x4 (Microchip) QFN-20 (Microchip) QFN-20_3x3 (Silicon Labs) QFN-24 (Micrel) QFN-28 (Microchip) QFN-44 (Microchip) QFN-56 (Cypress) QFN-64 (Microchip) QFN-68 (Cypress) R-PUQFN-N12 (Texas Instruments) R-PUSON-N6 (Texas Instruments) R-PX2SON-N8 (Texas Instruments) R-QFN044-D (Dream) S-PDSO-N8 (Texas Instruments) S-PX2SON-N6 (Texas Instruments) SOT883-1 (NXP XSON-8) SOT996-2 (NXP XSON8) TDFN8 (Microchip) UQFN-40-5x5 (Microchip) UTDFN10-2x2 (Micrel MU) VQFN-40-5x5 (Microchip) VQFN-48-6x6 (Microchip) WSON (Texas Instruments) XSON-8 (NXP) |
SMD Resistors (24/04/2023) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
r_0603 (0603 resistor) r_0805 (0805 resistor) r_1206 (1206 resistor) r_1210 (1210 resistor) r_2010 (2010 resistor) r_2512 (2512 resistor) r_cat16-2 (SMT resistor net, Bourns CAT16 series, 2 way) r_cat16-4 (SMT resistor net, Bourns CAT16 series, 4 way) r_cat16-8 (SMT resistor net, Bourns CAT16 series, 8 way) trim_bi_23b (SMT trimmer, BI Technologies 23B) trim_bi_35 (SMT trimmer, BI Technologies 35) trim_bourns_3214g (SMT trimmer, Bourns 3214G/3224G) trim_bourns_3214j (SMT trimmer, Bourns 3214J/3224J) trim_bourns_3214w (SMT vertical trimmer, Bourns 3214W/3224W) trim_bourns_3214x (SMT vertical trimmer, Bourns 3214X/3224X) trim_bourns_3223g (SMT trimmer, Bourns 3223G) trim_bourns_3223j (SMT trimmer, Bourns 3223J) trim_bourns_3223w (SMT vertical trimmer, Bourns 3223W) trim_bourns_3314j (SMT vertical trimmer, Bourns 3314J) trim_diplohm_s11 (SMT vertical trimmer, Diplohmatic S11) trim_diplohm_s13 (SMT vertical trimmer, Diplohmatic S13) trim_murata_pva2a (SMT vertical trimmer, Murata PVA2A) trim_murata_pvf2 (SMT vertical trimmer, Murata PVF2) trim_murata_pvz2a (SMT vertical trimmer, Murata PVZ2A) trim_murata_pvz2k (SMT vertical trimmer, Murata PVZ2K) trim_murata_pvz2r (SMT vertical trimmer, Murata PVZ2R) |
SMD pin strips (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
bb02-hp04_peg bb02-hp6 bb02-hp6_peg bb02-hp8 bb02-hp8_peg bb02-hp10 bb02-hp10_peg bb02-hp12 bb02-hp12_peg bb02-hp14 bb02-hp14_peg bb02-hp16 bb02-hp16_peg bb02-hp18 bb02-hp18_peg bb02-hp20 bb02-hp20_peg bb02-hp22 bb02-hp22_peg bb02-hp24 bb02-hp24_peg bb02-hp26 bb02-hp26_peg bb02-hp28 bb02-hp28_peg bb02-hp30 bb02-hp30_peg bb02-hp32 bb02-hp32_peg bb02-hp34 bb02-hp34_peg bb02-hp36 bb02-hp36_peg bb02-hp38 bb02-hp38_peg bb02-hp40 bb02-hp40_peg bb02-hp42 bb02-hp42_peg bb02-hp44 bb02-hp44_peg bb02-hp46 bb02-hp46_peg bb02-hp48 bb02-hp48_peg bb02-hp50 bb02-hp50_peg bb02-hp52 bb02-hp52_peg bb02-hp54 bb02-hp54_peg bb02-hp56 bb02-hp56_peg bb02-hp58 bb02-hp58_peg bb02-hp60 bb02-hp60_peg bb02-hp62 bb02-hp62_peg bb02-hp64 bb02-hp64_peg bb02-hp66 bb02-hp66_peg bb02-hp68 bb02-hp68_peg bb02-hp70 bb02-hp70_peg bb02-hp72 bb02-hp72_peg bb02-hp74 bb02-hp74_peg bb02-hp76 bb02-hp76_peg bb02-hp78 bb02-hp78_peg bb02-hp80 bb02-hp80_peg bb02-hy02a bb02-hy03a bb02-hy04a bb02-hy05a bb02-hy06a bb02-hy07a bb02-hy08a bb02-hy09a bb02-hy10a bb02-hy11a bb02-hy12a bb02-hy13a bb02-hy14a bb02-hy15a bb02-hy16a bb02-hy17a bb02-hy18a bb02-hy19a bb02-hy20a bb02-hy21a bb02-hy22a bb02-hy23a bb02-hy24a bb02-hy25a bb02-hy26a bb02-hy27a bb02-hy28a bb02-hy29a bb02-hy30a bb02-hy31a bb02-hy32a bb02-hy33a bb02-hy34a bb02-hy35a bb02-hy36a bb02-hy37a bb02-hy38a bb02-hy39a bb02-hy40a bb080_06 bb080_06_peg bb080_08 bb080_08_peg bb080_10 bb080_10_peg bb080_12 bb080_12_peg bb080_14 bb080_14_peg bb080_16 bb080_16_peg bb080_18 bb080_18_peg bb080_20 bb080_20_peg bb080_22 bb080_22_peg bb080_24 bb080_24_peg bb080_26 bb080_26_peg bb080_28 bb080_28_peg bb080_30 bb080_30_peg bb080_32 bb080_32_peg bb080_34 bb080_34_peg bb080_36 bb080_36_peg bb080_38 bb080_38_peg bb080_40 bb080_40_peg bb080_42 bb080_42_peg bb080_44 bb080_44_peg bb080_46 bb080_46_peg bb080_48 bb080_48_peg bb080_50 bb080_50_peg bb080_52 bb080_52_peg bb080_54 bb080_54_peg bb080_56 bb080_56_peg bb080_58 bb080_58_peg bb080_60 bb080_60_peg bb080_62 bb080_62_peg bb080_64 bb080_64_peg bb080_66 bb080_66_peg bb080_68 bb080_68_peg bb080_70 bb080_70_peg bb080_72 bb080_72_peg bb080_74 bb080_74_peg bb080_76 bb080_76_peg bb080_78 bb080_78_peg bb080_80 bb080_80_peg bb080_82 bb080_82_peg bb080_84 bb080_84_peg bb080_86 bb080_86_peg bb080_88 bb080_88_peg bb080_90 bb080_90_peg bb080_92 bb080_92_peg bb080_94 bb080_94_peg bb080_96 bb080_96_peg bb080_98 bb080_98_peg bb080_100 bb080_100_peg |
SMD Transistors (21/09/2022) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
D-PAK-5 D2-PAK D2-PAK-5 D2-PAK-7 D3-PAK PowerMite3 PPAK SC70 SC70-5 SC70-6 SC74 SOT323 SOT323-5 SOT323-6 SOT23 SOT23-5 SOT23-6 SOT23-6L SOT23-8 SOT143B SOT143R SOT89 SOT89-5 SOT223 SOT404 SOT428 TO263 TO263AB TO277 TSOT-6 |
Vacuum tubes (15/12/2021) - Footprints 3D Modules ![]()
socket_gzc9-b (GZC9-B 9-pin vacuum tube socket, without tube) tube_gzc7-y (GZC7-Y 7-pin vacuum tube socket, with tube) tube_gzc9-b (GZC9-B 9-pin vacuum tube socket, with tube) tube_iv-6 (IV-6 (VFD) 11-pin vacuum tube) |